Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Pictures of Rob in LA Last Night

Outside the Chateau Marmont

ETA: Rob and a friend arriving at the Chateau earlier last night


Unknown said...

is he drunk???

durtyrob4ever said...

Boy he looks wasted. Who is sitting in the back with him?

Unknown said...

He looks fine , the paps caught him blinking ! He is looking good !

Breesmom said...

He was at a hotel with a bar and restaurant where he frequently takes guests. Although he may have had a drink he is most likely blinking in this picture because of the blinding flashbulbs the paparrazi are shining in his eyes, I think!

tori said...

uh saying he looks drunk isn't necessarily bad. lord knows I wish I was right now.

His friend looks good from the back. Is that Jamie?

Unknown said...

Yeah , People on GC are saying it is Jamie ! who is the girl with him , she is smiling , cute girl !!

Ana said...

who is james? anyone knows his last name? I think I don't know who he is.

Anonymous said...

Who is that girl?

Cougar71 said...

There's talk that the girl/woman is Michelle Rodriguez. She was also a guest from Nick's party on the weekend. Just a party continuation at CM. No biggie.

Jane said...

Cute girl. I am happy he is out having fun and I don't really care who his female friend is. More power to her if she has caught Rob's eye. Lucky girl.

tori said...

Michelle was there but that's not her.

lol oh jane.

missDI20 said...

come you think serously that Party finished after 3 days almost??

come 'on!!!!!!

he'sdrunk and not happy at all

get off from LA pleeeeeaaseeeeeee ROB

not hte rigth way x you!!!!!!!!!

missDI20 said...

go back in uk is your safe and crazy home to stay right now!!!!!!!!!

missDI20 said...

.............aand Christian fro fsog os not your role at all!!!!!!!!

missDI20 said...

sorry..........i typed too quick

50SoG is not the right role x ROB ; he is not too older and too perverse to act it!!!!!!!

He is a romaantic and old man style---------------nothing more than that

love you ROB

missDI20 said...

if you see, the denim that he wears are totally different one form another........... so
when and which is the correct date and one???????????

Unknown said...

The guy in the hoodie is not Rob! I got confused for a second too but you can see that guy siiting in the front of the car (passenger seat, hood up).

I don't understand why there's a big deal about this girl. People need to realise that a) he does have female friends and not every girl close to him is a hook up or girlfriend and b) when there IS a hook up or girlfriend, we're probably the last to know and that's exactly how it should be. :)

Unknown said...

the girl is Caitlin Cronenberg...the guy in the hoodie is Jamie Strachan who was at the party on Saturday and is allegedly dating Dakota Fanning..

Unknown said...

the girl is Caitlin Cronenberg...the guy in the hoodie is Jamie Strachan who was at the party on Saturday and is allegedly dating Dakota Fanning..

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that this is not Caitlin. Her mouth is totally different from the girl in the car.
You might be right about Jamie though.

tori said...

lol no deanshoneybear.

that is strachan though.

debbie nerissa threet said...

@Jane I completely agree, wonderful comment lady. :)

ggirl030303 said...

He's enjoying himself and good for him! Although he doesn't want the role of CTG he most definitely could do it...come on. He is an actor. And he was the muse for that character...remember????

Anonymous said...

WTF is wrong with you? Did you not see Cosmopolis or Bel Ami? His acting ability knows no bounds...he can do romantic or he can be course, vulgar and mysterious. He does not act like an old man JFC 😡😡😡

Rachel Rose Mercantile said...

God bless him.

Unknown said...

Pretty sure there are 3 people in backseat including Rob LOL (squished to the window). Looking forward to him being here (Toronto) very soon!!!

DOLCE said...

Thats looks like John Kerrys daugher.

Tarika said...

I think the lady beside Rob is E.L James look at her properly. I could be wrong but her smile is similar.