Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Pictures of Rob Driving in LA


Nora said...

Woww what a sight 😍😍😍

Unknown said...

when were taken guys, tell me please :)

Amy said...

Well that's unexpected!
Glad they aren't invasive pictures though. Hard to see him but he looks good :)

Sher Lynn said...

any word on who the girl is???

Unknown said...

Its kristen stewart....yes......none other dan......

Unknown said...

Its kristen stewart....yes......none other dan......

Nora said...

Mysterious redhead *sarcasm cough* 😜

International Programs Caracas said...

People are sayin the girl is Riley, a mutual friend of R and K. And she actually was in the Runaways.

Unknown said...

Its kristen stewart.....

alida_v said...

Hum... who is that girl?

Anonymous said...

O deerr! She can go red and all but..hahaa !

Anonymous said...

No It's NOT Kristen

Unknown said...

My god its kristen....

Nora said...

Aiza let 'em see what they want...we just sit back and enjoy fhe circus 😉

Unknown said...

But nora....

Eliz said...

I'm not sure who is with Rob.

Anonymous said...

here they buy a ping pong table together. And it's NOT Kristen.

Lori said...

The only redhead I know is Riley Keough, Elvis's granddaughter, and a friend of Kristen's who played Dakota Fannings twin in The Runaways. She could be a mutual friend of both, but I've only seen her with Kristen previously. Maybe she helped Rob retrieve his Ping Pong table from Kristen's house?

Amy said...
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Amy said...

I don't know.. Kristen wears glasses identical to those & the sun is shining on her, brown hair can in some lights look gingery, especially in low quality picture.
BUT I don't they are together anymore, she hasn't worn 'the ring' or 'the necklace' in a long time & the way she acted to papz, it all kind of adds up.
Whatever happens all I really want is for each of them to be happy

Akim said...

OMG, so they ARE TOGETHER........ what a day! I'm sooo happy...... @twilightnan and @Lisa, ladies I'm sure you guys must be very relieved and happy....... happy day, huh?
so Rob took all those stuffs and the 2 dogs out of K's house coz K wanted to go in a trip, and now they're together again.....? I really hope I'm right... :)

waves to all the RPLifers, twilightnan, Lisa, nimet, iluvthemovies and others......

Anonymous said...

if this were Kristen the Kristen fanblogs would bring these pics too, but they didn't. And the Papps would say it.

Akim said...

I pretty sure that IS KRISTEN, for me it's obvious. but if you guys think the opposite, so that's fine... we'll see....

Sarah said...

That doesn't look like Kristen at all to me. And there are pics of her today with very brown, non-red hair, so...

Honestly, this looks innocent to me anyway. I'm wondering if she's a new assistant.

Anonymous said...

There are pictures of Kristen at LAX today, so I am guessing this girl is not Kristen.

Akim said...

I 've seen some of K's pics which has her hair like this, because of the lightning and everything.... but in my opinion, it's really look like Kristen, the glasses and the way she got the hair, the way she sit..... and about the rin g and the necklace, I think we don't know for sure why she's not wearing them, maybe Rob gave her another ring or whatever..... but I think two person can still be together even without a ring. It's just my opinion and my hopeful thought ;)

I don't know any of K fanblog but I know some of R&K fan blog and sometimes they post later than the other fansites.

Akim said...

yeah, but we don't know for sure when these pics were actually taken, I'll still give a hope to this.

Jane said...

Elvis's granddaughter. Isn't she close to Rob's age? How can you tell that is a ping pong table? Riley started as a model as a young age.

Nora said...

Guys we dunno every bit of their life thats been going on so seeing a glimpse of it doesnt make a whole story. Seeing these pics today doesnt mean it was from the same day K was spotted at i think nothing is a concrete prove yet.
But i do think that was K herself. Ohh and not wearing ring or necklace doesnt prove that they broken up either. Like i said nothing is concrete 😉✌

Path of peace said...

No It's NOT Kristen

And for sure this girl feel comfortable, home in that car.

debbie nerissa threet said...


Joan said...

Oh come on, that's not KS. The mind plays tricks on people, and then they see what they want to see. I thought we were over this. *le sigh*

Joan said...

And also, even if they are not together, are they supposed to avoid each other like plagues in order for fans to process a break up and let go? The mere inkling that the person in his car could be KS has made people ditch and ignore everything that has been going for over a month now. This is just weird. What IF they wanted to try a friendship down the line? Are they going to have to deal with this forever? :/

twmmy said...

Oh, guessing, guessing. So. If I have any room in any car, I like feel myself in comfort. If I feel, I put my leg on the dashboard, or on the seat. Not a big deal.
Only If i went at evening thing like theatre, I behave myself.
If ROb with Kristen or anybody it's not our business.
Have a good day.

Camilla said...

@nora that unidentified redhead comment made me laugh! Loved that comment and love those books:)
But yeah, NOT kristen.

Camilla said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry ladies but that`s not Kristen. Her hair is brown now red.

DOLCE said...

It's not kristen she just left LA

Jane said...

The girl was identified as Odessa Rae and she was at Rob's party. I saw her in the movie Hard Candy. She is tall, about 5'10".

Unknown said...

if you look at the pic's close up and the one that was taken in the shade you can see it's kristen she's even wearing his green tee...wake up people they never broke-up...their just trying to live there lifes away from the pap's...and if you look at the pic's of kristen at lax you can see the ring that rob made for her...we all need to leave them alone and let them be

Nora said...

@Camilla gotta love those stories rite...hey everybody has their own opinion so we just wait and see 😉
I still stick to mine though...peace everyone...✌

DOLCE said...

odessa rae is from canada

jspattzfan said...

I think that the girl is Odessa Rae, who was at his party last week. Check her out on the IMDb.
very pretty girl. Who knows how involved this outing was?. regardless,Rob looks good.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry Claire, but are you serious? She's wearing his shirt? And you can see that how? By getting a glimpse of the sleeve?

You just need to look at the hair, it's not only brighter but also shorter than Kristens. The mouth is very different too. Maybe you need to face reality that Robsten is no more.

Oh, and the ring Kristen wore? I'm gotta ask again: you know how that it's something Rob gave her? She's wearing new rings all the time. Doesn't mean anything. I might be just a freebie like that Karen London ring.

Anyway, even though I now participated myself (I just couldn't help it) I'm surprised at how much talk about KS yet again is on a Rob page.

DOLCE said...

every weekend different woman in the car. and he look great.

PaoLJunaB said...
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nanado said...

Well, here I am, the hopeless romantic back again. I believe the idea that it could be Odessa Rae could very well be right, if you view her pictures. She's 43, too, so an "older woman" for sure. Sorry to have to admit, once and for all, I may have to give up the "dream". Rob and Kristem may be done, maybe not ... It's their lives and up to them. Again, as always, I say God Bless both of them in whatever and wherever their lives lead them. Thanks to them for a beautiful love story. 😌💜

Anonymous said...

E News is reporting that she is Riley Keough.

debbie nerissa threet said...

E! News is wrong yet again, that is not Riley.

Pyquerette said...

@ Pieni Aurinko. I completely agree.

I hate to say it, but it always shakes my head when I see people expressing such fervent hope and devotion to the idea that he and Kristen are together. I mean, why would anyone care so much about the relationship of strangers anyway, but just because they were in a series together? It's bewildering.

So often I'd see people say things like "Don't believe they're fighting, it's always from an unnamed source! Unnamed sources are lies." yet almost 100% of what people believe about their relationship for years was from unnamed sources. We know that because they never ever talked about their relationship. They never said he bought her a ring, that was unnamed sources or imagination. I mean, look at the example you gave earlier. That's his shirt because someone sees a glimpse of a green sleeve with no other identifying marks? That's pure fantasy and it's very odd to me. So believe the unnamed sources and rumor that supports your wish, disregard the unnamed sources that say what you don't want to hear.

I get that some people like the idea of them together, but to believe it despite all evidence to the contrary is just bizarre.

Also, I can see it being that Odessa girl like others are saying, but it does sort of resemble Riley so who knows. It looks like most sites are saying Riley but that could just be them running with it from E's word.

Lori said...

Most definitely NOT Kristen, much to my disappointment. I also think it could be Odessa Rae, a Canadian actress who was in Hard Candy with Ellen Page, and who was also at his house for the big Hollywood bash. Supposedly she's 43 and her real name is Jennifer Holmes. Maybe he's thinking an older woman will work out better than someone younger? Don't think it is Riley, though.

Ugh, sorry but it really just makes my stomach hurt to think about him with someone else. :-(

Eliz said...

I just saw that it's definitely isn't Riley in the truck.

Christine Reimitz said...

Riley Keough =/

Anonymous said...

If we go by this picture, Riley and Kristen do look a great deal alike...interesting.

Karen said...

Their friend CJ confirmed through Instagram that it is NOT Riley in the truck...

tori said...

It's neither of the girls mentioned/speculated to be. IMO. Just doesn't look like either of them.

This chaos though.

I'm really starting to not like the comment section on here.

the_dreams_come_true said...

Sorry she doesn't look like riley , and she is too much look alike with Kristen and shit but the glasses are to much coincidence for me, um not an rk crazy fan but this is to weird for me, she is to similar to Kristen even if it's not her I think he's looking for something similar to her, like toooooooooo similar

clea said...

Odessa Rae is only 33.... not 43 BTW.

Anonymous said...

Karen, can you send the link in instagram?

Pyquerette said...

It looks like Riley's rep is saying it's not her in the truck. At least that's what they're saying here:

Just FYI for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Anonymous said...

Im still not sure.... time well tell !!!


debbie nerissa threet said...

Honestly I'm wondering if we're all looking at the same girl. In maybe one or two photos she really resembles Kristen but that's it. Honestly, is she really that identical or are people having hallucinations?

Unknown said...

Her is riley, because kristen stewart in a day go to paris

DOLCE said...

julieann moore

j.t said...

OK is it just me or does pic 1,3 and 5 look like different pics them the rest which makes me think that no all the pics were tooling the same day and time they were said to be....don't thin it is riely or Kristen may be that Canadian actress that was named on here a few times...guess we will have to wait and see