Saturday, April 13, 2013

New HQ/Untagged Pictures of Rob and Kristen at Coachella - April 13th

April 13th, 2013

More New Pictures Below.

Thanks to Pattinsonlife & Kstewartfans


debbie nerissa threet said...

Sexy strut sexy bulge!

Delle1 said...

Kristen has the most gorgeous skin,it's good to see them but you can tell Rob has his papp face on.

KStew Krew said...

Legs for Rob has traveled there many times! Both are just too cute for words!

debbie nerissa threet said...

@KStew Krew almost made it there this year! Would've been grand to see that first hand, eh?! ;)

just me said...

Rob, right now you have the ugliest sunglasses ever...but i still adore you LOL:)

Anonymous said...

Tranks for Sharing the photos. Love Robs pants.

Iluvthemovies said...

Does anyone know who the woman is with the pink hair? I don't know if she is a friend of Rob or Kristen or an over zealous fan. I don't know if they are running from the papz or from the woman with the pink hair. It is confusing. My personal wish is that they could just enjoy themselves without cameras in their faces.

Mamma Mia said...

@Iluvthemovies She's one of their friends. All of them were running from the papz.

Adri Castro said...

The woman with the pink hair is Suzie, one of Kristen's best friends!

Anonymous said...

The girl with the pink hair is Suzie, Kristen's friend from WH.

481094 said...

That's Suzie Kristen's friend.

noirblanc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
noirblanc said...

They actually holding hands wow? Really?

Iluvthemovies said...

Thank you 481094, dconner1989, Adriana, and Mamma Mia for the answer to my question. I looked at one picture and actually saw one of the paparazzi and I thought no wonder they are not smiling. Those parasites. Thanks again, I do appreciate it.

ANYA said...

just me I totally agree with you! :)))

Iluvthemovies said...

I just saw the added pics and now I am so peeved off that these two are being chased by so many paparazzi. That should be banned at this festival. If there is one pic that I like it is I think their friend, Kevin, in the yellow tank, he looks like he is squirting one of the photographers with a red or pink squirt gun. I love it. Shoot away.

ANYA said...

You know what's really seen in these pics? How much they're tired of all the paps... Well, this is the bad side of being a celebrity.

jledsall said...

I really love the shoot of CJ shooting the papz...that is classic...I love the MANG!

Akim said...

they're holding hands again...!!! yay!!!!!!!!

Love u Rob!

Anonymous said...

Really sad There are haunted people Leave them alone and let them heave some fun

ANYA said...

How would you get your pics of them then? :)

Unknown said...

@debbie lol you naughty girl #bulgecomment #jawdrop

No one special said...

Protective rob = sexy rob

Anonymous said...

Is it mandatory that you have to be ugly & badly dressed to be a pap? Cause they are some ugly looking dudes! Rob ever the gentleman, plays decoy. Taking half the paps with him, while the others make a run for it. But at least they didn't let it waste their day, as later tweets showed.

alida_v said...

its so nice to see them holding hands. so cute. rob is so proctective.

Iluvthemovies said...

@Anya, I would not care either way if I saw them or Rob out in public or in pics. I have never in my life asked a celebrity for an autograph. They are people conducting business like you and I. There are premieres, fan events, and photoshoots for such things. One of my favorite movies is "To Kill a Mockingbird". There is a line that the father tells his young daughter, to walk other people's shoes so you can understand how they must feel. I know I have the freedom to walk the streets and go to places without snapshots going off in my face and being tracked down like a fugitive from the law just because I am in an industry that idolizes a group of people for the way they look and act. It is nice to see them about but I also know how it must be so frustrating not to have some privacy or try to find ways to do things just to have alone time with your significant other or friends. However, I realize I am living in an area that is swarming with celebrities and others are not as fortunate to have these people entering their country, so I can understand if they go up and ask for an autograph if done respectfully. I like looking at them but not this way with scowls on their faces because they are being chased by photographers, that to me are parasites. Industries come and go and this is one industry that I wish would fade away, if they focused their cameras on things that were really important, that would be amazing. I hope that answered your question Anya for me anyway. I do not speak for others and would be interested to know their views as well. I do appreciate all that RPL has provided us on this site. They are generally the first to provide important news regarding Rob's career and I am truly grateful.

No one special said...

I do feel for rob and the intrusion and some are so rude. However, it is a bit of a guilty pleasure to see his lovely self so often just lately, sorry :( just makes my heart smile. Im grateful to rplife.

isis said...

there is a guy with them with white tshirt that looks like Alex Ptyffer. Anyone see that too?

Misty said...

@Iluvthemovies, for myself, I think ALL the stalkerazzi should leave on the next space craft and left there. I've watched hours of video on these vermin, read tons of articles on them. They have no respect for any celebrity, but Rob & Kristen seem to be their favorite target right now. X17 seem to have the worst hit squad for R/K, and the most aggressive. There's stuff people can do, but many don't want to help. If you want to, maybe RPLife can get us together for more info? Please? Let me know! Thanks.

ANYA said...

Iluvthemovies , I do totally agree with you. Thanks for your comment, I also share it. It's terrible haunting people such way, no matter who they are. But...may be smb can tell me why exactly Rob and Kristen the most haunted couple, their reaction is also so frustrating and always irritative...I mean I saw many pics of celebrities, but most of them look calm or even friendly if they're snapped in the streets...So the question is whether paps are so obssesed of them or Kris and Rob haven't accustomed their fame or that this is inevitably part of such industry?

Iluvthemovies said...

@no one special, I will not be a hypocrite, I will look at pics and video because they are on the site. I will not seek them out, but I will look and sometimes if it is fan pics it is quite lovely or even pics if the camera is not too intrusive I can enjoy really enjoy them. @Misty, I wish there were tougher paparazzi laws especially in the US, but until a trajedy like Princess Diana is involved in this country, I doubt anything will happen. It took a horrible shooting in Conneticut to even speak about gun control and who knows what will happen there. @Anya I think it is because they are different, they are not your everyday run of the mill Film Industry couple. They are shy, awkward, free-spirits, they don't play the Hollywood or film industry games. I still think Rob has no PR agent, that is so different than most A or B-lister actors in the industry. Plus they have a story that you can't make-up only possibly in movies, they meet at an audition, director says sparks flew, leading lady has her choice, she selects her leading man, most of the fans of the book hate the decision of their choice for the role, leading lady seeing another man, a year after shooting the first film, they eventually start dating, live together (I think, who knows for certain) and then a short break-up due to being caught with someone else, and then the reunion. This is a whole freaking movie in itself. No wonder why every photographer wants in on this and we eat it up too.

Akim said...

I don't know why, but I get the feeling that the scandal never actually happened. I have a feeling that Kristen is not that kind of person, and that her love and respect for Rob is so obvious in some pics that I saw, when the papz are not involved, of course.

ANYA said...

Iluvthemovies Thanks for your reply. To be honest, when I first saw Twilights, the first part, I also was puzzled so much why was exactly Kristen chosen...But when I saw New Moon, I changed my mind and I liked her acting. Time has passed I was looking forward the Eclipse, and only before the third part I guessed whether they're together or not, because at first this idea didn't even come to my mind. Then I noticed that everybody is interested in this question, but they stay calm and don't comment this for so much time...Fans are puzzled, the situation is not cleared up...why not? It could have been much more simple to confirm their relations, but they kindled fans' interest with this. So the paps were chasing them to much...there was a puzzle nobody could officialy know. Then the story with Kristen's betrayal...And suddenly reunion! A little bit strange. Both for the whole their story, and for Kristen's action as well. Seems like she didn't even do that, but the information was confirmed...So what for? Was this true or not, we don't know. But possibly. Everyone has his own intuition to believe or not. So may be paps chasing them not only because they're so different, but because there is still an interest what's going on between them. As I know they didn't officialy confirmed their relations. Or I'm mistaken? I didn't even wondered a lot.

Abby said...

Well there are different things. First they are snapped often cause pics of them are worth a lot of money. This is partly because they shy away from the camera and try to hide or cover their faces. Plus they keep their relationship and their life very private which leds to a lot of rumors and arouses peoples curiosity. Another point is that they are no "celebrities" in the matter of that they do the job but don`t sell themselves. They usually don`t appear at events just to get their photos out or to rub heads with other famous people. They also are very good actors and so-called A-listers right now which means they get a lot of money for every movie, they can chose almost every role if they want to do it and every movie they make brings a lot of money. Second paps are very rude and often yell mean things right in your face just to get a reaction so it`s now wonder they don`t look happy. Also it`s very frustrating when you just want to do daily errands and a tross of ten people follows your every step and takes photos. Some celebrities like to be snapped cause then they feel important. Some even go out just to be seen. Others just smile cause they figured that`s the fastest way to make them leave or think it`s easier to play the game then to fight it. However they both don`t want to accept that especially in the US some people think just cause you are an actor you have to sell your whole life. So they fight it at every step. Maybe you noticed that they smile at official photo shoots. That`s part of the job and as that they accept it. Hope that answered you question. Correct me if i`m wrong i´m no insider.

Abby said...

Oh, just saw your new reply. Well maybe it would`ve been easier but the question is where to start and where end. Plus if they would "announce" it now it would cause a lot of attention.

Akim said...

I will stop to read Rob news on Gossip site like Hollywoodlife and stuffs, cause they're always exaggerating things and so mean. moreover, the people commenting there are so rude, they're like papparazi themselve... if they don't like Rob or Kristen, why in the hell they read it in the first place?! they even act like they know what's going on in Rob's and Kristen's life, they're not Robsten family or friends or even even fans! I bet they read it just to harrase Rob and Kristen. isn't there any law against this kind of rude behaviour?!

Akim said...

Thank you RPL for providing things about Rob and stay true to it. I think Rob deserves some respectlike this and I think that rude Gossip sites should follow you in the way of posting things about Rob and still respect him.

ANYA said...

Abby , thank you very much. I liked your point of view, may be I'll share it also later.

nimet said...

What in the world are these people thinking. It really is outrages the way they are being chased. Paps are like a pack of hyenas, shame on them. What has happened to her shirt looks like it is all torn, wasn't like that in the first pictures. Animals belong in cages!!!!

twmmy said...

@nimet, She wore this tee last year. It was the same shreddy. Nothing new.

susan said...

I wonder how much longer she'll be able to wear it before it completely falls apart. Lol.

15 years ago we lost Princess Diana to these vultures. They're not harmless. Something needs to change. Everyone says they knew what they got themselves into, but I disagree. Even Stephaine Meyer doubts that they would have done Twilight if they had known what they'd be giving up.