I hate paparazzi pics,but at the same time I can't lie to say that I like looking at these pics of them together... it's nice to know they've been out to a concert and were able to stay for the entire concert without having any pics taken inside the venue..looking forward to the red carpet premiere of BD2..thank you RPL ladies..hi to the Favs;)
@irene you are wrong. There are tons of pics of them both covering their faces in a car when paps surrounding the car. They have been doing that for years. If they look at the camera the pictures are worth more. Paps are their enemy and want a together pic. R/K are not going to make an easy payday for these vultures.
I agree with @twilightnan It is such a great feeling to have them back together. It can be so hard not to listen to the media, but just how protective they are with the privacy of their relationship - it isn't out there for public relations purposes, I think if you look back at early interviews together and through the years and pictures - you can see how genuine their friendship and now love is. No one likes a cheater, but it is up to the person who was cheated on if they want to work on things now the public. They are no different than anyone else - just have a more famous face than the rest of us. I love them as Rob and Kristen. I am more excited to see them as themselves than to see them as Edward and Bella. I knew deep down Rob they would work on working things out. I hope they become a hollywood success story and beat the odds! I am more than ready for the media to quit using Rob and Kristen and cheating scandal in the same breath. MOVE ON!!!
I bet my ass that Rob is playing Words with Friends, I'm addicted to that game. I wonder if I've ever played a game with him before, here's to hoping. And WTF is going on with tumblr?!?! It's been out all morning. I'm seriously gonna have a panic attack if they don't get it up and running pretty soon lol. I know I'm a ratard
And Rob went against his words. He said, he never understand cheating.... So. I lot my adoring to Rob. He is a weak person in front of me. And he deservs what he will get from this woman. His life his choice. But I don2twish that for my son...
Well I'm not really happy that they are back together. Not that it matters what I think. The thing is they could have gone through this last month of intensive promo with having this overwhelming attention on their personal lives hadn't the cheating situation haven't occurred so publicly. I mean, the attention was going to be there, but not at this level. Sadly, the overwhelming stalking these two are about to experience are a direct consequence of whatever happened in July.
This is so sad. I'm trying to decipher if the fans that run this blog actually care about him at all. I've loved coming here for years, but you're incredibly insensitive to HIS fans. Paparazzi business aside, there's nothing good or worth sharing about these pictures.
My comment was for you. So you can now disapprove my comment like the rest of the Robert fans who don't agree that this is all okay. Goodbye RP Life.
I am ashamed to say, I love any pictures of them together now. I look at it this way, when they are old, they can look at these pics and go down memory lane. Who was hot-lets say, 10 years ago?20?50? My point is they just need to enjoy the attention,their getting paid pretty good for being movie stars. It's the lifestyle they have chosen. Period. OH and please, I don't need the hate mail. I'm a Mother,daughter,sister,friend,co-worker...just a fan with an opinion. Last time I posted a comment I was told I was ugly....drama....
I'm not happy to see them together again. She was very disrespectful of him in july. It's his life and his choice and I hope he really knows what he's doing, but if they actually want to work things out, they better do it privately like they do when they have no promotions and go unnoticed for months. No offense but this relationship has become a Circus.
June, I fully agree with you. Rob and KS can be very private when they want to. The are very aware that RIGHT NOW the attention is on them. To think otherwise would be naive. But unlike other times (when they purposely disappear from the face of the Earth), they are willingly putting themselves out there. In public places. Like restaurants, bars and concert venues. The hype of the scandal, their reconciliation and the movie is out there. They know this. They are making a choice.
Lovely to see that they were able to go to a concert and have some normality. Pity it takes a PRIVATE concert for that to be possible. Nice to see Matcus and Jack were able to stick around for it too- although Kristen's friends seemed to look after them well while Rob was in Sydney. ;) So much admiration for both of them for the way they've held onto what's important in the face of unnecessary pressure. And so much love and respect to RPlife for always supporting Rob in all aspects of his life. <3
Some of you commenters are horrile. Really. They are living their lives. Let them be! What are they supposed to do?! Not go out and enjoy their time outside of a house ever again? The drama happened IN JUNE! Its time to move on for them. If the media hasnt it is not their fault!
Joan, I wholly agree with you too. They're making a choice and I don't like it at all because Rob is getting a lot of criticism and he was so close to be taken seriously after Cosmopolis.
At last night private Prince concert, there were several celebrities but no one got papped except Mark Foster and Robsten. Papparazo were there for Robsten and I can't help wondering how did they know that Robsten were there.
Aimszers, Shannon: We are not being disrespectful to Rob and his decision. Some of us just respectfully disagree with it. Hopefully it works out for him.
There's no need for other fans to refer to others as "horrible" or "less of a fan" just because they think differently. There's no need to call each other names or start arguments.
Just to say..I truly was not calling people on here less of a fan, I'm sorry if it seemed that way.
I totally understand what you mean though, I don't know if I could be able to get over that. I just wish him luck and that no one gets hurt this time.
Again, sorry if I stepped on toes. Just been reading so much stuff that people have been saying about Rob and he didn't really do anything..you know? xx
THESE TWO SHOULD GET MARRIED.......AND SOON. There is only so much fortitudeness both of them can exercise to deal with these kind of pressures; these kind of insane scrutiny of their relationship. Something has to give eventually. Both are young, especially Kristen, and so far they have shown more maturity in dealing with this, than others who are older than they are. Kristen who suffered much in four years of their relationship, had to withstand all the threats on her life and abuses hurled at her for being Rob's girlfriend. Their relationship will eventually strain with the intense and extreme scrutiny of their relationship, and the abusive words and horrible treatment they get from some of their narrow-minded fans, some are almost "clinically delusional".
I really admired Rob for showing maturity in forgiving Kristen. Maybe because it was not all her fault and understood what she had to go through in the last 4 years. It takes a big man to do that, and if I were a man, I would take her back again without blinking an eye and hesitation seeing how she suffered, and also knowing that I love her very much and she loves me. No question. WE SHOULD BE APPLAUDING THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. IT TRIUMPHED OVER EVERYTHING ELSE. AND THAT YOU FANS IS TRUE LOVE. - Laarni
I find it pretty strange that some of you think Rob's first priority should be his job. Of course his work is important, but like any other man, his woman is even more important. Your relationships should ALWAYS be your main priority. And that's all I gotta say. Respect Rob. Respect his choices. He couldn't care less about your "disappointment." Get over it and stay out of his private life if you don't like it. Focus on his career and you'll never be disappointed :)
Nobody knew where Rob and Kris were until a girl who's known to stalk celebrities gave away their location. So I don't think they're purposely flaunting their newly patched relationship by doing that.
The pics are sad & what is equally sad is some "fans" expect them to stay in the house & never see daylight or breathe fresh air to avoid being photographed by these vultures, otherwise "they asked for it."
The papz even take pics of them when they are at home. Where is there a line drawn? WTF are they suppose to do become a recluse? They went to a PRIVATE CONCERT & went into a PRIVATE ENTRANCE to avoid being seen. Most of the time they don't get caught but sometimes they do & this happens to be one of those times.
They aren't the ones with the problem. The lunatics jumping on their car with camera's are where the issue lies.
Also how is it ok to have an opinion on someone's personal life you know nothing about? They are cute together/they don't look cute together ok I understand that but the other stuff is just like wow. You don't know the ins & outs of their relationship. Yes we are fans but that is the extent of it. Can you imagine some stranger thinking its ok to judge your relationship with your spouse. You'd be like (in the words of Rob) STFU what are you saying.
I really don't understand, why can't anybody criticise Rob and his decisions... why we only say "oh-ah, he is this, he is that happy, good looking, wise, well mannered, gentleman, love-dovey with anybody(not saying Kristen's name was direct)"... why couldn't we say if we cannot agree his doing? Why aren't we fans than? And why is it so freak to wish to see pap'z pics or to know anything we can about their life? If you look deep down beside yourself - you were all curious about your neighbors life - that is the nature of the mankind. We all criticise our neighbors, and all are in their life if we heard something about that. We speak about that even with our husbands only, because we are "respect" the others or have no other person to speak about. But - we are speaking about them. If you deny that, you are lying. So don't judge anybody, whose opinion different yours. Everybody has experience in love, in disillusion, even in cheated or cheating and made his/her conclusion, and want to share/speak abut that. And I know with all my heart, I don't want this kind of practice for my sons and daughter to cheated in front of the whole world, but don't want" them to cheated in front of the tiny town where we are living. It's the same in a way. You loose something, and you need count with that. And in this internet world we can say our opinion, and we can agree or disagree, but we cannot judge the others for their opinion. And we don't know Rob's or Kristen's opinion because they are "private" - what is ridiculous for me,because after near four years they need to accept the world's curiosity.
I never post comments, but I felt the need after I read somethings on here today. I lost a lot of respect for Robert when I first seen the pictures of him with she who shall not be named.I'm not a very big fan of hers anyway,even before the before the story broke.If hadn't already bought my ticket for Breaking Dawn I probably wouldn't be going to see it and i really haven't figured out if I will watch any of his other stuff either. I'm also trying it figure out if they are really back together or is this a big publicity stunt for the movie. I can't believe people are actually glad they are back together. I mean if that was your son would you want him to get back together with the girl who lied and cheated on him. Would you take back your husband or boyfriend if they were caught like that and you had the proof in your hands. It really sticks in my craw that people are like" Yay they are back together they look so happy". I just hope he comes to his senses before it's to late and she breaks his heart again.
Hey Katy thanks for spelling my name right. It's spelled Renee' by the way. Oh and I'm not bitter either.I was just commenting on the way I feel about the subject. Am I not allowed to do that? Or am I only allowed to say positive things about the subject "Like how cute and happy they are together". I'm sorry i'll try and remember that next time.I just don't agree with a decision he made. Can I not voice my own opinion about it. Is it so bad of me to think that as person just like you and me that he deserves someone better then her who publicly humiliated when his such a private person.You can think I'm bitter,weak or immature. I don't really care.But at the end of the day I stand behind what I posted. Also I don't if you have heard of this thing called "Freedom of speech". It might want to google that. Oh,look I said all of this with out calling you one negative thing or a curse word. Robert is a talented and gifted man. I just don't happen to agree with a choice he made. Just like a lot of people don't agree with what I posted. And another thing Katy you reminded me of the reason I never comment on anything. Because people like you always come at you with guns a blazing ready to shut people down who think differently then they do. What about the other 39 people before me that posted stuff,did they not say anything to offend you or something that you disagreed about? Oh I think I got it now it was because I said negative things about them as a couple and how I might not watch is work anymore. I would like to think that in way Rob cared what is fans think since we are the people who watch and support him in his work. So forgive me Katy if I offended you.
@Rayand,girl... don't be dim. Rob really and truly doesn't care what you think. Sad but true. Don't get me wrong, your opinion is your opinion; you can scream it to the grave if you want. But hon, Rob has said it MANY times. He even said the reason why he wanted to keep his personal life private was because he didn't want random people, like yourself, coming up to him and commenting on it.Ring a bell? Now.. I'm sorry your disappointed in him, but, and I apologize for the french, he doesn't give a damn. Honestly and truly. You may be his fan, but you're not his friend, girlfriend, sister, mother, or any other person who's opinion actually matters to him. I know you WANT your opinion to matter to him, but first he'd actually have to KNOW you. Sorry girl, but life isn't fair. And the fantasy world you're living in isn't real. Now, you can DEFINITELY have an opinion. You can share it with anybody and everybody, but come on. Don't delude yourself. HE isn't the one listening. It's us. JUST us. We are the only ones listening. And we, as his fans, have all kinds of different opinions. So be prepared to take them. Sorry if this comes off harsh, but time to take the pacifier out and pull on those big girl panties. Being in denial and ignorant are the WORST letdowns. It comes back to bite you. Accept reality. I won't give you advice or anything like that to help you through this hard time, because for some reason, it just doesn't feel right giving my opinion on how to run your life when I don't even know you. It's not my place. Just food for thought ;)
Also... @twmmy, thank GOD he's not your son, right? I would hate to see a son disowned by such a loving, understanding mother. Must be hard to see your make-believe son make these kind of decisions. Makes you wonder what you did wrong while raising him, eh?
Lol. Alright.. THAT was harsh. But hey, I get a bit snarky sometimes :)
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There is no copyright infringement intended on this blog. If you are the original owner of any media used and would like it removed, we will be happy to do so, please contact us.
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I hate paparazzi pics,but at the same time I can't lie to say that I like looking at these pics of them together... it's nice to know they've been out to a concert and were able to stay for the entire concert without having any pics taken inside the venue..looking forward to the red carpet premiere of BD2..thank you RPL ladies..hi to the Favs;)
I just love that they went to see Prince of all things
I just love that they went to see Prince of all things
I just love that they went to see Prince of all things
I just love that they went to see Prince of all things
I love that Rob is his phone the whole time the rest of them are cringing. Words with Friend is sooooo addictive.
I am happy they went out and have fun.
These pictures are very ugly. Respect Rob!!!!
Hang in there Rob. Much love and respect.
Wonder what game he is playing. I predicting Temple run. Funny how all the others are hiding. But before the scandle she never hid like that.
@irene you are wrong. There are tons of pics of them both covering their faces in a car when paps surrounding the car. They have been doing that for years. If they look at the camera the pictures are worth more. Paps are their enemy and want a together pic. R/K are not going to make an easy payday for these vultures.
I agree with @twilightnan It is such a great feeling to have them back together. It can be so hard not to listen to the media, but just how protective they are with the privacy of their relationship - it isn't out there for public relations purposes, I think if you look back at early interviews together and through the years and pictures - you can see how genuine their friendship and now love is. No one likes a cheater, but it is up to the person who was cheated on if they want to work on things now the public. They are no different than anyone else - just have a more famous face than the rest of us. I love them as Rob and Kristen. I am more excited to see them as themselves than to see them as Edward and Bella. I knew deep down Rob they would work on working things out. I hope they become a hollywood success story and beat the odds! I am more than ready for the media to quit using Rob and Kristen and cheating scandal in the same breath. MOVE ON!!!
I bet my ass that Rob is playing Words with Friends, I'm addicted to that game. I wonder if I've ever played a game with him before, here's to hoping. And WTF is going on with tumblr?!?! It's been out all morning. I'm seriously gonna have a panic attack if they don't get it up and running pretty soon lol. I know I'm a ratard
Yeah I bet your right aboutthe WwF. Oh my your avi is hilarious! Is that Taylor on SNL? He was awesome that night! I wish Rob would do SNL.
Yeah i'm missing Tumblr too! I was wondering whether it was just mine that was down.
I agree that I hate seeing these kinds of pictures but I have to look because it makes me so happy that they are back together!
And Rob went against his words. He said, he never understand cheating.... So. I lot my adoring to Rob. He is a weak person in front of me. And he deservs what he will get from this woman. His life his choice. But I don2twish that for my son...
lost* don't
Well I'm not really happy that they are back together. Not that it matters what I think. The thing is they could have gone through this last month of intensive promo with having this overwhelming attention on their personal lives hadn't the cheating situation haven't occurred so publicly. I mean, the attention was going to be there, but not at this level. Sadly, the overwhelming stalking these two are about to experience are a direct consequence of whatever happened in July.
And why is that women that's with them even bothering to cover up? No one cares about her. lol
This is so sad. I'm trying to decipher if the fans that run this blog actually care about him at all. I've loved coming here for years, but you're incredibly insensitive to HIS fans. Paparazzi business aside, there's nothing good or worth sharing about these pictures.
My comment was for you. So you can now disapprove my comment like the rest of the Robert fans who don't agree that this is all okay. Goodbye RP Life.
Marcus and Jack!
I am ashamed to say, I love any pictures of them together now. I look at it this way, when they are old, they can look at these pics and go down memory lane. Who was hot-lets say, 10 years ago?20?50? My point is they just need to enjoy the attention,their getting paid pretty good for being movie stars. It's the lifestyle they have chosen. Period. OH and please, I don't need the hate mail. I'm a Mother,daughter,sister,friend,co-worker...just a fan with an opinion. Last time I posted a comment I was told I was ugly....drama....
I'm not happy to see them together again. She was very disrespectful of him in july. It's his life and his choice and I hope he really knows what he's doing, but if they actually want to work things out, they better do it privately like they do when they have no promotions and go unnoticed for months. No offense but this relationship has become a Circus.
June, I fully agree with you. Rob and KS can be very private when they want to. The are very aware that RIGHT NOW the attention is on them. To think otherwise would be naive. But unlike other times (when they purposely disappear from the face of the Earth), they are willingly putting themselves out there. In public places. Like restaurants, bars and concert venues. The hype of the scandal, their reconciliation and the movie is out there. They know this. They are making a choice.
Lovely to see that they were able to go to a concert and have some normality. Pity it takes a PRIVATE concert for that to be possible. Nice to see Matcus and Jack were able to stick around for it too- although Kristen's friends seemed to look after them well while Rob was in Sydney. ;) So much admiration for both of them for the way they've held onto what's important in the face of unnecessary pressure.
And so much love and respect to RPlife for always supporting Rob in all aspects of his life. <3
Some of you commenters are horrile. Really. They are living their lives. Let them be! What are they supposed to do?! Not go out and enjoy their time outside of a house ever again? The drama happened IN JUNE! Its time to move on for them. If the media hasnt it is not their fault!
Joan, I wholly agree with you too. They're making a choice and I don't like it at all because Rob is getting a lot of criticism and he was so close to be taken seriously after Cosmopolis.
At last night private Prince concert, there were several celebrities but no one got papped except Mark Foster and Robsten. Papparazo were there for Robsten and I can't help wondering how did they know that Robsten were there.
If people are criticising Robert just for taking her back..or going on dates then I can't really call them fans and they don't really interest me..
And also, other people were spotted..Sophia Bush for example, it's just the paps aren't crazy for pictures of them like they are for Robsten it seems.
Lovely to see Robert again :) , but it is annoying how they have cameras pushed in their faces all the time! :/ xx
agree Joan and June. There are many fans who think the same. We stand silently out of respect for Rob but we are deeply disappointed.
Aimszers, Shannon: We are not being disrespectful to Rob and his decision. Some of us just respectfully disagree with it. Hopefully it works out for him.
There's no need for other fans to refer to others as "horrible" or "less of a fan" just because they think differently. There's no need to call each other names or start arguments.
Just to say..I truly was not calling people on here less of a fan, I'm sorry if it seemed that way.
I totally understand what you mean though, I don't know if I could be able to get over that. I just wish him luck and that no one gets hurt this time.
Again, sorry if I stepped on toes. Just been reading so much stuff that people have been saying about Rob and he didn't really do anything..you know? xx
No worries, Shannon. :)
THESE TWO SHOULD GET MARRIED.......AND SOON. There is only so much fortitudeness both of them can exercise to deal with these kind of pressures; these kind of insane scrutiny of their relationship. Something has to give eventually. Both are young, especially Kristen, and so far they have shown more maturity in dealing with this, than others who are older than they are. Kristen who suffered much in four years of their relationship, had to withstand all the threats on her life and abuses hurled at her for being Rob's girlfriend. Their relationship will eventually strain with the intense and extreme scrutiny of their relationship, and the abusive words and horrible treatment they get from some of their narrow-minded fans, some are almost "clinically delusional".
I really admired Rob for showing maturity in forgiving Kristen. Maybe because it was not all her fault and understood what she had to go through in the last 4 years. It takes a big man to do that, and if I were a man, I would take her back again without blinking an eye and hesitation seeing how she suffered, and also knowing that I love her very much and she loves me. No question. WE SHOULD BE APPLAUDING THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. IT TRIUMPHED OVER EVERYTHING ELSE. AND THAT YOU FANS IS TRUE LOVE. - Laarni
I find it pretty strange that some of you think Rob's first priority should be his job. Of course his work is important, but like any other man, his woman is even more important. Your relationships should ALWAYS be your main priority. And that's all I gotta say. Respect Rob. Respect his choices. He couldn't care less about your "disappointment." Get over it and stay out of his private life if you don't like it. Focus on his career and you'll never be disappointed :)
Nobody knew where Rob and Kris were until a girl who's known to stalk celebrities gave away their location. So I don't think they're purposely flaunting their newly patched relationship by doing that.
SarahMOnline @SarahMOnline
You people are too stupid for words if you think Stalker Sarah would give someones location before they leave #growup
The pics are sad & what is equally sad is some "fans" expect them to stay in the house & never see daylight or breathe fresh air to avoid being photographed by these vultures, otherwise "they asked for it."
The papz even take pics of them when they are at home. Where is there a line drawn? WTF are they suppose to do become a recluse? They went to a PRIVATE CONCERT & went into a PRIVATE ENTRANCE to avoid being seen. Most of the time they don't get caught but sometimes they do & this happens to be one of those times.
They aren't the ones with the problem. The lunatics jumping on their car with camera's are where the issue lies.
Also how is it ok to have an opinion on someone's personal life you know nothing about? They are cute together/they don't look cute together ok I understand that but the other stuff is just like wow. You don't know the ins & outs of their relationship. Yes we are fans but that is the extent of it. Can you imagine some stranger thinking its ok to judge your relationship with your spouse. You'd be like (in the words of Rob) STFU what are you saying.
I really don't understand, why can't anybody criticise Rob and his decisions... why we only say "oh-ah, he is this, he is that happy, good looking, wise, well mannered, gentleman, love-dovey with anybody(not saying Kristen's name was direct)"... why couldn't we say if we cannot agree his doing? Why aren't we fans than?
And why is it so freak to wish to see pap'z pics or to know anything we can about their life? If you look deep down beside yourself - you were all curious about your neighbors life - that is the nature of the mankind. We all criticise our neighbors, and all are in their life if we heard something about that. We speak about that even with our husbands only, because we are "respect" the others or have no other person to speak about. But - we are speaking about them. If you deny that, you are lying. So don't judge anybody, whose opinion different yours. Everybody has experience in love, in disillusion, even in cheated or cheating and made his/her conclusion, and want to share/speak abut that. And I know with all my heart, I don't want this kind of practice for my sons and daughter to cheated in front of the whole world, but don't want" them to cheated in front of the tiny town where we are living. It's the same in a way. You loose something, and you need count with that. And in this internet world we can say our opinion, and we can agree or disagree, but we cannot judge the others for their opinion. And we don't know Rob's or Kristen's opinion because they are "private" - what is ridiculous for me,because after near four years they need to accept the world's curiosity.
I never post comments, but I felt the need after I read somethings on here today. I lost a lot of respect for Robert when I first seen the pictures of him with she who shall not be named.I'm not a very big fan of hers anyway,even before the before the story broke.If hadn't already bought my ticket for Breaking Dawn I probably wouldn't be going to see it and i really haven't figured out if I will watch any of his other stuff either. I'm also trying it figure out if they are really back together or is this a big publicity stunt for the movie. I can't believe people are actually glad they are back together. I mean if that was your son would you want him to get back together with the girl who lied and cheated on him. Would you take back your husband or boyfriend if they were caught like that and you had the proof in your hands. It really sticks in my craw that people are like" Yay they are back together they look so happy". I just hope he comes to his senses before it's to late and she breaks his heart again.
You're no longer a fan of Rob, and will not watch his movies??
Let me tell you about the FUCKS Rob gives about that...NONE.
You wouldn't take you're husband, boyfriend...whaterver back?
Well, thank god Rob is not a weak, bitter person like you, but a wonderful strong and mature person.
Some "people" fail to understand, that it is Rob's life and NOONE has a say in what he does or not do about anything in his life.
Hey Katy thanks for spelling my name right. It's spelled Renee' by the way. Oh and I'm not bitter either.I was just commenting on the way I feel about the subject. Am I not allowed to do that? Or am I only allowed to say positive things about the subject "Like how cute and happy they are together". I'm sorry i'll try and remember that next time.I just don't agree with a decision he made. Can I not voice my own opinion about it. Is it so bad of me to think that as person just like you and me that he deserves someone better then her who publicly humiliated when his such a private person.You can think I'm bitter,weak or immature. I don't really care.But at the end of the day I stand behind what I posted. Also I don't if you have heard of this thing called "Freedom of speech". It might want to google that. Oh,look I said all of this with out calling you one negative thing or a curse word. Robert is a talented and gifted man. I just don't happen to agree with a choice he made. Just like a lot of people don't agree with what I posted. And another thing Katy you reminded me of the reason I never comment on anything. Because people like you always come at you with guns a blazing ready to shut people down who think differently then they do. What about the other 39 people before me that posted stuff,did they not say anything to offend you or something that you disagreed about? Oh I think I got it now it was because I said negative things about them as a couple and how I might not watch is work anymore. I would like to think that in way Rob cared what is fans think since we are the people who watch and support him in his work. So forgive me Katy if I offended you.
@Rayand,girl... don't be dim. Rob really and truly doesn't care what you think. Sad but true. Don't get me wrong, your opinion is your opinion; you can scream it to the grave if you want. But hon, Rob has said it MANY times. He even said the reason why he wanted to keep his personal life private was because he didn't want random people, like yourself, coming up to him and commenting on it.Ring a bell? Now.. I'm sorry your disappointed in him, but, and I apologize for the french, he doesn't give a damn. Honestly and truly. You may be his fan, but you're not his friend, girlfriend, sister, mother, or any other person who's opinion actually matters to him. I know you WANT your opinion to matter to him, but first he'd actually have to KNOW you. Sorry girl, but life isn't fair. And the fantasy world you're living in isn't real. Now, you can DEFINITELY have an opinion. You can share it with anybody and everybody, but come on. Don't delude yourself. HE isn't the one listening. It's us. JUST us. We are the only ones listening. And we, as his fans, have all kinds of different opinions. So be prepared to take them. Sorry if this comes off harsh, but time to take the pacifier out and pull on those big girl panties. Being in denial and ignorant are the WORST letdowns. It comes back to bite you. Accept reality. I won't give you advice or anything like that to help you through this hard time, because for some reason, it just doesn't feel right giving my opinion on how to run your life when I don't even know you. It's not my place. Just food for thought ;)
Also... @twmmy, thank GOD he's not your son, right? I would hate to see a son disowned by such a loving, understanding mother. Must be hard to see your make-believe son make these kind of decisions. Makes you wonder what you did wrong while raising him, eh?
Lol. Alright.. THAT was harsh. But hey, I get a bit snarky sometimes :)
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