Rob and Kristen at a wedding New Jersey for producer Kevin Turen (June 23rd).
DJ Rob :) (ETA: First two pictures are new)

Rob and Kristen with fans/guests of the wedding (ETA: First picture is new, second picture is now in better quality and uncropped)

ETA: Another new picture - Rob and Zac Efron

Rob and skateboarder Mike Carroll

The caterer posted the table placecard

Rob and Kristen in the background (ETA: 3 new pictures - last ones)

Report from People Magazine
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson helped a lucky New Jersey couple celebrate their big day this weekend.
The on- and off-screen couple – along with Zac Efron, Andrew Garfield (sans girlfriend Emma Stone) and Will Kopelman (sans wife Drew Barrymore) – made their way to Englewood, N.J., where Hollywood producer Kevin Turen wed Evelina Oboza on Saturday.
"They stuck to each other's side all night," an attendee tells PEOPLE of Stewart, 22, and Pattinson, 26, who partied with guests until dawn and were spotted walking hand-in-hand during the celebration.
And the bride wasn't the only one (likely) wearing something borrowed.
Before heading to the wedding, Stewart realized she forgot her dress. The solution? The Twilight actress strapped on a short, black Zac Posen cocktail dress from the groom's sister's closet (that matched her black Christian Louboutin shoes just fine).
By the end of cocktail hour, however, she was back in her own wardrobe – jeans, a black tank top and a blazer – as she mingled with fellow guests.
Although Stewart didn't show off the moves she put on display during her Twilight wedding, a date-less Efron, 24, tried his hand at the hora, a traditional Jewish dance, before hanging out with mainly male partygoers for the evening. And Pattinson got in the groove manning the deejay's laptop for a bit.
Meanwhile, a dapper Kopelman kept it friendly, often mentioning "my wife" when he chatted with female attendees.
Other special guests: Harry Morton, Sarah Roemer and Tovah Feldshuh.
After spending the night at the groom's house, Stewart headed to Paris for a photo shoot and Pattinson flew back to Los Angeles. Efron kicked back by the pool Sunday until after dinner.
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I love Kristen, but seriously wearing jeans to a wedding is so not cool
I love Robert's suit. Magnifique.
I had a blacktie wedding and my cousins wore sundresses and flipflops. I could have cared less.
Yeah I wish Kristen would have at least left the jeans at home. Dressing down for afterpartys is no big deal but this is someone's wedding and you are a 'guest'. You could be a little more respectful.
Perhaps she checked with the wedding party? Although I doubt it, the young these days dont care much for others feelings. Im a freak, I guess, I was never like that lol ;) Being your own person is fine, respect though, should be never be outdated. Its sad though, its being lost through the generations :/
Chill out about what shes wearing. She could've changed seeing as this is at the reception! We don't know, so quit judging!
All we have that makes us want to 'judge' unfortunately is what we see in this picture.
Or another angle to look at it is that she may have worn something else to the wedding and changed into more comfortable clothes at the reception. The wedding itself is a more formal occasion while the reception is a place for everyone to celebrate, let their hair down and have a good time! So I don't see how what she's wearing is 'disrespectful'. She looks great in whatever she wears and she has dressed up the jeans with a nice blazer and her hair/makeup looks good.
But let's not get caught up in the little, insignificant things such as judging people's outfit choices. Just be happy and excited that is we get to see Rob and Kristen together, having a good time!!
I was in jeans at my sister's wedding, nobody was choked, judging about clothes, nonsense ! A nice jeans is beautiful too, with a nice top.
I'm only happy to see Rob and Kris having a good time together. It's the most important, after all.
I must be a lot older than you guys! Lol.
Well it seems like yesterday was the night of the weddingssss, I was at one too (mine was at Miami), and at Facebook I saw my friends on a wedding but in a different county, a perfect night for love and romance!!!!
Judge not that you might be judged yourself....They both look gorgeous to me and Rob has a certain twinkle in his eye...
come jeans at any wedding, i don't care who you are.
I'm quite sure that the bride and groom could care less of what Kristen was wearing, so why should anyone else?! it's none of anyones is NOT YOUR WEDDING.
Rob and Kristen look happy, thats all I care about. AND to me they both look gorgeous!!
Really?? U r all discussing jeans???? Have u noticed The Sex Hair may be comming back to our lives????
Honestly i give a damn abt her jeans...she gets to touch the SEX HAIR the almighty one!!! And maybe we need to thank her for it's return who knows! xD ;)))))))))
to rob and kris were at a party I could dresses quarquer way ... would find beautiful :)
I wonder if a bunch of them took a private jet? Hummm Both are obviously drinking! :)
The fact is, no one knows why Kristen is wearing jeans. For all we know, she might have been wearing something different and had some sort of wardrobe malfunction, a spill or a tear of some sort.
My point is, we don't know the circumstances, and it's none of anyone's business but hers anyway. Judge not lest ye be judged, as the saying goes.
According to People Magazine she was in a dress and then she changed.
She realized she forgot her dress? Srsly? lmao This girl will never learn how to dress properly to the occasion...
And, stupid people, like you, will never STOP criticizing her no matter what she does. She can't win with you people.
Some of the fierce fans just refused to see reasons, even if the criticism is constructive. One can be true to oneself anytime she wishes, but one should observe some courtesy. It is a wedding, and protocol calls for a better outfit than jeans. Let's at least maintain some respect for our customs and traditions. Hogwash with all this "she is staying true to herself". Have some respect. Just my opinion.
They looked so cute toguether <3
The lovely hair is back! He looked so sexy!
Katy, did I insult you? No, I don't think so. Why are you offending me? For saying the truth? Yes, she looked happy and all in smiles but it doesn't change the fact she dressed inadequately to the occasion. Just look at Rob. See the difference?
Thank you Laarni. I really like what you said :)
i agree with moonC. its a wedding and the reason doesn't matter its disrepectful in any manner to wear a see thru shirt showing her belly and jeans,even if she changed.her short shorts and porno looking t-shirt was improper at Cannes too. freedom of speech says we are allowed our opinion.
It's strange how the so called 'Rob Pattinson fans' come on this site and they have to comment about Kristen Stewart First instead of commenting something about Rob! some fans the mere mentioned of Kristen's name,to see her pic with Rob.. , it is like a RED flag to a Bull inside a bull arena they have to charged and attack...comments"she is disrespectful to wear 'Jeans'on this wedding;..(none of us were in attendance to this event but those who were said she wore a dress!)..everyone is entitled to their OPV but some comments are Sarcastic remarks on which the aim is to insult and mock-which IMO are disguised as "Constructive Criticism" to some..well we can all say anything about Kristen Stewart ,good or bad,if we like her or's not going to change anything--She's got HIM!..she seems to make him happy,and seems like they are in a committed loving relationship IMO! if Rob is Happy and did not seem to mind Kristen changing back in her jeans!..then I'm Happy:)..BTW..I love that Mark Morrison's 'Return of the Mark'..Play it again DJ Rob!!<333..hi to the favs:)
sorry..typo was 'Return of the Mack'!..would have been amazing to see Rob DJing and rocking with this song!
Twilightnan, I am fond of both Robert and Kristen, and there are no delusions about either of them. But I am one of those that doesn't wear blinders. Constructive criticisms would only help and further their career, to have staying power. I am sure both of them read this site and other site to gauge what the public thinks and perceives of them. Public perception is important so they can have staying power. I would like to see that very much. Some fans are starting to get alienated because of how they behave at times, and some who aren't fans and have not seen them perform, are forming their opinions on what they see and read. They are in a profession that entails extreme exposure which work to their advantage to be demandable. However, if what the public see is mostly negative, their fanbase will diminish. This recent incident doesn't help, coupled with other things, like the use of too much expletives, the "rebel" attitude, etc. Some celebrities, I am sure, are feeling resentful towards them at times, not because of jealousy, but because they make an effort to observe protocol; some even consider it a put down to them when both don't respect the occasion per se and came dressed as "hobos" when the others made the effort to come dressed appropriately for the occasion to pleased their fans. And in this profession, one has to maintain good relations with the public and colleagues both.
Please take note.
Actors often grow their hair in between acting jobs so the hair stylist can do what is needed on the next acting job. Helps in avoiding having to wear a hot, itchy, uncomfortable wig.
Guys, you splash! :3
I love the people behind RPLife, but those commenting here? Not so much. The first comment had no mention whatsoever of Rob, but just someone’s opinion on Kristen.
Then the criticism of what she’s wearing continues. The majority of the comments just criticise what she’s wearing and people are putting themselves in the brides shoes. Well the shoes don’t fit! You’re never going to see Rob and Kristen at your own weddings. And if the bride or groom were so angry with Kristen like you all are, she’d have been told to go change. The bride nor groom would want the attention away from them on such an important day. So I doubt very much the bride could care less. Or the guests for that matter. As long as the bride isn’t in some disaster then it’s fine.
“Constructive criticisms would only help and further their career,” this is said in response to the criticism on what Rob’s partner has worn to a wedding RECEPTION…? Are you people off your heads? Since when does their clothing at a wedding reception decide the future of their career.
If I were lucky enough to see an appearance by Rob and Kristen at my wedding. I wouldn’t be checking out their clothes to see if they deserve to be there. I’d be thrilled. I’d be jumping for joy.
AND I'd demand Rob does some dj'ing, but a girl can dream.
First of all, thank you RPL for being the "go to" source for all things Rob.
I am literally laughing out loud at the bitter hags, yes that would be you, @Laarni and @moonC, who only come post comments when Rob and Kristen add another nail to your nonnie coffin. Here's an idea, take all that energy spent on hating and insulting Rob's girlfriend, Kristen, and focus on your own (clearly pathetic) life. There's a chance you might be a happier person and not so invested in a two people's lives who don't give a damn about what you think of them.
Kristen Stewart owns your ass. She's got the intelligence, talent, beauty, a wonderful career, integrity, honesty, the respect of the movie and fashion industry and a devoted fan base. Oh, and here's the best part; she shares a life, two houses and a dog with the man of your dreams, Mr. Robert Pattinson. Kristen wins, all day every day.
From all the pictures and the articles written, it seems like Rob and Kristen has a lovely time celebrating at the wedding of their friend. At the end of the day, that is all that matters.
Thanks to Mandy, Linda and Sonia for all you do!
The new pic...all other men are SO irrelevant with Rob in the same picture. The sex hair, the jaw, his gorgeous gorgeous face... almost makes me lose the ability to speak. Beyond dreamy!!!
Wow, Robert looks so good in the photo surrounded by men. Zac not so much. I could be
Thanks RPL for all the photos, this was one awesome wedding.
RTP_KJS_Lover do you feel better now? Did you see me insulting and hating Kristen here or anywhere else? It's great you're 'not invested in a two people's lives who don't give a damn about what you think of them'. Yes, I can totally see it... It was sarcasm by the way ;)
Mandy, Linda, and Sonia, I hope you permit me to say this and I promise I will not respond to anyone, because I believe you only stir up more trouble by going back and forth.
I love your site for two reasons, it has to do with Robert Pattinson, who I am a big fan of and because you are a rare site that pretty much permits commenters to express themselves unless the people are mean-spirited toward the site or Robert.
When I came back to view the site to see if there was any new news on Robert, I thought how lovely RPL has so many hits on the wedding post, yet it was filled with more back and forth regarding a certain article of clothing, not the gorgeous man who looked absolutely fabulous or the fact that the twosome were together celebrating someone's wedding or Robert was a DJ for a short time. I could care less if people express their opinion of what their preference is as far as looks, fashion, interviews, etc., but what really makes my blood boil is when people take it personally and start name calling on the site. I don't want RPL to end up to the extreme like EOnline who has nothing but ill mannered people commenting on that site or censored like other sites I won't mention, so when I see a couple of people actually taking it personal and attacking other people whom they seem not to have a clue about, it becomes upsetting. I want people to express themselves, if someone does not find Kristen's article of clothing appropriate for the wedding, so what, as long as they are not being cruel about it. If you think it is fine for her to wear Jeans at the wedding, great that is your preference and that is wonderful as well. Is it judging or hating on someone when they express whether they like jeans at a wedding, I think not. There are so many more things in life that are more important than making a stink about who has it right or wrong on this post. Let people speak their minds to what they prefer and if you have a different opinion, express it, but don't make it personal, because it has nothing to do with you, so you have the problem, if you make it personal not the other person. Psych 101. Rodney King just recently passed away and though he had many problems in in his life, he did give one quote that certainly is appropriate for all the negativity going on "Can't we all just get along". Stop making mountains out of molehills.
Thank you RPL, I hope you receive more hits like this one post but more on a positive note, and if people disagree, I wish this site would be the beacon on how to disagree plagued in a world of internet bad manners.
Not that it matters to me personally, and this being Rob's board and all, but this account indicates Kristen wore the dress throughout the ceremony and reception. Big, expensive NY/NJ weddings typically turn into "nightclubs" after the formal reception winds down, and a DJ takes over the music. I've worked at them and been guests, nothing wrong with her changing into jeans especially at that stage. Maybe next time people won't be so quick to judge and rely on gossip mags/tabloids for the facts. Rob looked gorgeous and happy, great to see it .
Laarni..good to know you are a fan of both Rob and Kristen:) so we are so to speak are on the same side:),however I think that's is where our comparison know .. (my love and your Fondness).. towards Rob & Kristen...Constructive Criticism -is still fault-finding by the person dishing the criticism...when a person is criticised,he/she can be told "for Christ sake this is for your own good'"!..yeah! okay..I get it it's for my own good, but it still bloody hurtful I bet!..we don't really know how Rob,Kristen,their family,and friends think or feels about all the hurtful snide remarks/comments been written by so called fans but we can only assume.. my guess is they are hurt,sad,angry,helpless,and..p***ED!!..when you say.."some fans (..meaning you),are starting to get alienated because of how they behave at times"?...where?,How?When?... I;m sure a lot of fans would agree that Rob and Kristen have always behaved impeccably towards their fans,...tell me you're not serious when you said that"some Celebrities I am sure are feeling resentful towards them at times ,not because they are jealous" *smirks* I bet they are :),"but because they " will be interesting to see your List. of Celebs names!!.."make an effort to observe the protocol,to some even considered it a put down to them,".. "They (R&K) came dressed as 'Hobos'.."when others made an effort to come to dressed approriately for the occassions to pleased their fans"..seriously you are talking BS IMO..Rob and Kristen have always turned up non other than Immaculate or perfect during all the Premieres of their films which all the fans and others only expect!..I don't care what they wear during their down time it's their individual the recent incidents about her wearing jeans at this wedding ,I thought has now been put to rest--it's been validated that she was appropriately dressed (Thank God)..for your sake and one or two of your friends ..otherwise ROB and Kristen's fanbase would have declined and lost..err..3 more fans:(...@moonC..err I think you should re-read your comments again and to honestly say you were not hating Kristen..I'm referring to your first one...thank you to RPL for giving us opportunity to share our love of anything Connected with ROB:)
I read a report that Kristen was wearing a dress at the wedding. If this is true, I want to backtrack and apologise to both Robert and Kristen. The reason we're commenting about Kristen here is that, she is a very important part of Robert's life. I would like both of them to have a long successful career as I am really fond of both and enjoy seeing them together. But my comments apply in general if the situation was such that one was wearing jeans at the reception and all other things. But that is the point, the public (i.e. I am one of them) just like Antonio Banderas represent the citizen of Argentina in Evita, only saw and read what the media published, and one can see how the public could form a negative opinion so fast, especially the majority of them not visiting this site or other sites supporting them.
Hi,Iluvthemovies..okay ..I have just read your post and ITA..I was elated and very happy to see all those wonderful wedding pics,..that they were together,and Rob being a DJ!...I will take note and follow 'Rodney King's quote "Can't we just get along" to everyone I'm not going to say anymore to me this matter is closed..!and thank you again RPL:)..Moving on:)
WOW wouldya know she wore a damn dress...jeez. Like i said, don't judge without knowing the full story!!
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