Kristin Scott Thomas knows a thing or two about typecasting in her native land. “If the character is cold, witty and a snob, they’re going to call me,” she opines.
What she finds less easy to understand is the hold two of her recent co-stars – Ryan Gosling and Robert Pattinson – have over other women. “It is rather extraordinary that I have ended up acting with these incredible heart throbs,” she says. “I have to say, I don’t get it really.”
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I find it extraordinary that a woman of her talent seems to lack the understanding of why we women think they are heart throbs. TBH, there are only a few films I have admired her in and I tell you one was not "The English Patient". So excrutiatingly long, I thought I would die of boredom. However, I did like Juliet Binoche's storyline. I felt like Elaine in Seinfeld, if any of you have watched the episode where she hates The English Patient. Ditto to that sentiment. Robert and Ryan are both talented in their own ways. Whatever their charms are on the opposite sex, Kristin needs to know that different strokes for different folks and these two hotties are here to stay. She should feel fortunate of working with both of them. I don't mean any disrespect to her but I just think that was a really ignorant comment to make with the huge fanbases both these actors have and the careers that their fanbases will follow. If she does not understand why we are mesmerized by these two actors, especially, Robert, she will never get it.
I bet she finally got it when he was lying on top of her, but too English to admit it.
LOL Jane, priceless.
I took her comment differently....as she wasn't saying that she didn't understand why they were heart throbs ...but more that she didn't understand her luck and good fortune that SHE had the opportunity to work with "these incredible heart throbs". Re-read it with that frame of mind and you'll see what I mean. It would be a rather cruel and ungracious thing to say if she said she didn't understand why they were heart throbs...but again I don't think that is what she said at all.
I took her comment differently....as she wasn't saying that she didn't understand why they were heart throbs ...but more that she didn't understand her luck and good fortune that SHE had the opportunity to work with "these incredible heart throbs". Re-read it with that frame of mind and you'll see what I mean. It would be a rather cruel and ungracious thing to say if she said she didn't understand why they were heart throbs...but again I don't think that is what she said at all.
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