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With Ashley


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@gossip_dance: Rob in black sweater and Ashley in white suit/ dress
@gossip_dance: Rob got water in beard
@ThinkingofRob: Hugely momentus moment in my life (talking about Twilight)
Rob: It crazy to imagine some fans are willing to stand in the rain for 5 hours.
@PattinsonUK: Rob: I guess the Dad to be part of the movie is kind of traumatic
@ThinkingofRob: Rob is saying the movie might be the greatest dissappointment in their lives (laughs)
@ThinkingofRob: Shooting with a 3 week old baby: it was crazy, covered in fake blood, not the feeling you were acting
@ThinkingofRob: 'the baby just dictates'
@ThinkingofRob: Edward feels guilty about everything
@ThinkingofRob: Rob talking about the books: he really understood the first two books, not seeing them as a vampire's perspctive but as a human one
@ThinkingofRob Rob: this is somewhat different from the books and Jacob has more of a fight with Edward
@ThinkingofRob Rob: I just changed (talking about acting edward differently )
@ThinkingofRob Rob: I like actors portray things in real life I want in real live like Jack Nicholson and Jean Paul Belmondo
the birthing scene was weird to film. (for ashley) the firt sex scene for rob because everyone waas freaking out about it.
According to Rob this what what some people on set said during the filming of the sex scene: 'that's not how Edward would trust' 'let me borrow kristen for a sec i'll show you'
Rob and Kristen were worried about the shape of their bodies for the sex scenes
is Rob like Edward in real life? it's a very subtle performance, in this one he's more relaxed
it was more fun this time, first time they act like a normal couple
"In the eyes of the Church Kristen and I are actually married, since the priest at the wedding was a real priest"
@ThinkingofRob: Why doesnt edward ever laugh? Rob: he laughs silently
@ThinkingofRobRob: was never able to relate to fear about sexuality
it seems that girls are usually scared of losing their virginity while in this movie bella is really pushing for it
@ThinkingofRob "they created a demon child!!' (laughs)
how do you feel about promoting abstinence? if anything the saga created the opposite according to him
@ThinkingofRobRob: entire generations of young girls WAITING for them to have sex, so it may create the opposite effect
Rob was fairly dorky. he likes fantasy stuff. Wilbur Smith, Tolkien, Philipp Huffman (The Nothern Lights)
Ashley says she read the same books. rob jokes and mentions her reading Cosmo
The conference is over
ETA: @gossip_dance a journalist told Rob that his wife had a freecard and that Rob was it. and if Edward got one who in the movie would it be? He laughed so!!
ETA2: Robert was asked how it is to play an expectant father in Breaking Dawn. He answers that have children in the film was the most fun part.
@gossip_dance he also said his next movie should be a babymovie cause the focus would be on them so not much acting then.
@Zandra Lundberg 11:15 to Pattinson and Ashley plates. Since beginning the interviews 11:30.
@Zandra Lundberg Pattinson and Ashley should drink mineral water during the press conference.
@Zandra Lundberg During faneventet tonight organizers have asked fans to remember not to shout and scream uncontrollably. It gets so hard to hear what the actors say when ...
@Zandra Lundberg There are countless with journalists on the spot. Secure up to 40 pieces. From all over the world, I thought to write but that's probably most of Scandinavia.
@Zandra Lundberg Now, Pattinson and Ashley on stage! The giggles.
@Zandra Lundberg Pattinson is wearing a black knit sweater and looks pretty confused.
@Zandra Lundberg Now answer Pattinson on how people will think of Twilight in ten years. He hopes it will symbolize an important time.
@Zandra Lundberg He hopes that people will think back on this time as a "Twilight" era.
@Zandra Lundberg The fans have been standing in the rain for three days to get a ticket to faneventet tonight. "It's crazy, that people even standing in the rain for five minutes waiting for something is amazing," says Robert Pattinson.
@Zandra Lundberg Robert asked how it is to play an expectant father in Breaking Dawn. He answers that have children in the film was the most fun part. "The baby was covered in fake blood," he says.
@Zandra Lundberg Now ask a journalist who thinks that Robert Edwards is a free pass in the movies. Robert replied that he would not think of using something free pass. "He would give it away to someone," says Ashley.
@Zandra Lundberg It was really cool to shoot the wedding scenes, says Ashley.
@Zandra Lundberg It was a real priest, says Pattinson. "Now we're really married in real life," he says with a laugh.
@Zandra Lundberg Pattinson responds to the scene that was most difficult to record. "The first sex scenes" he says. "There were so many who had an opinion about it. It was like 20 people in the room."
@Zandra Lundberg "Both Kristen and I was amazing how our bodies looked like," said Robert to shoot the first sex scenes.
@Zandra Lundberg What did you dream about when you were younger? Pattinson responds to. "I liked fantasy, Tolkien and stuff."
@Zandra Lundberg Now the press conference ending! Now waiting for upload to the event tonight! I've heard that fans queued since 07 this morning, so people said to be stoked!
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I was looking at the promo shots with Ashley Green and Rob and I'll make it clear that I don't have anything against Ashley but how true is that old saying ? For every good man standing, there is a great women behind him... And it is true with Rob & Kris they just look amazing together, can't wait til Nov 3 ( Chinese theater )
Honestly, Ashley and Rob are looking more like a real adult couple with charm and grace. With Kristen he looks like her big brother.
I loved Robert's response to the sex scene, that people were telling him that is not the way Edward would thrust. How embarrassing was that...It is embarrasing enough to be doing this in front of 20 people and then to hear that, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during that scene.lol
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