Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NEW Picture! Rob, holding a baby (Bella) on the set of BD

My cousin alex, her baby bella & rob patts on set of breaking dawn!:)

That's Alex Rice that plays Sue Clearwater



Calihi27 said...

OMG! How precious is that?! My he has such large hands! This pic just kills me, I SO can't wait to see his scenes in BD w/Renessme. Also, he's a dad in WFE as well. All of those scenes are so going to kill me! Le sigh... <3

Susan said...

OMG. Rob with a baby. So cute.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my, poor Rob scared to death lol...But baby Bella is already dazzled,or she is thinking please don't drop me...

JA said...

OMG..just lost an ovary. slight heart attack before i read who this was. then slight fear for the baby. adorable though!

twilightnan said...

Dear God !!this pic is so adorable..holding a baby suits him..I can't help but imagine him holding his own..and to have Kristen standing next to him will be amazing!!..IMO!!hi to all the favs!

JLC said...

This is such a sweet photo. He does look a tiny bit nervous.

Iluvthemovies said...

He looks as nervous as he did in the proposal scene in Eclipse. However, those gentle hands holding the baby is super sweet. However, Rob's hair looks so dark, I know it must be the photo taken. That will be sweet if Bill Condon puts some extra scenes with Rob showing fatherly love towards Renesmee.

Unknown said...

I just imagine if only it were his baby with KStew.OMG.

aroselikethis said...

that baby should feel very special! :D

Anonymous said...

This picture is already a classic! Rob looks excited and scared to be holding the baby!LOL His smile is priceless and only cause I think that KStew is the one taking the picture. His look is saying "Hey Kris,lets have one of these!"

twilightnan said...

@Yolyco..haha!loving your comment.."Hey Kris,lets have one of these"!!aww...you maybe right it was probably Kristen who was taking the pic!..if I have my way,these two will be married by now and a baby of their own on the way!!but I know it is not going to happen yet,..but we can all dream for a magical ending to the Twilight saga/robward and krisbella on-off screen and real life!!..hi to my favs!

Nicole said...

at least he is holding the baby...most guys think they will break a baby if they hold it. LOVE it!