We're sorry, but unfortunatelly we were asked by Details Magazine to remove the scans. You can still read the article and check the pictures and video at Details.com or the next entry.
Love the article....it's got an odd rhythm to it....but I like it.....it's natural.
I do have to add, if there aren't rumors of him being gay, there will be now after "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina." gets quoted all over the planet.
First, I love the pics of Rob! They're very artsy and get Rob away from the tween persona. The article is kind of odd.
I must agree with Alison about his comment on disliking vaginas and being allergic to vagina, which we all know is going to have him being gay once people start reading the article. Could the author have let the readers in on where his statement on vaginas came from? What the hell does that statement mean? If I say I don't like a penis, somebody could surely take it as I could be a lesbian. Or, I could be joking...
Jeez. Please if people are going to get he is gay from that statement, then they are crazy IMO. Rob starts off in the article, pg 164 talking about breaking through what you think about yourself to try to make any sort of art. From that section of the article, he appeared to not have been too comfortable with the fact that during the 12 hour shoot, the women he was shooting with stayed naked for five or six hours. Call it British reserve, or whatever, but he appeared not to have been very comfortable with all the blatant nudity. IMO he said he is allergic vagina, and hate vagina to jokingly explain his reserve.
@ Gossipoly..Maybe he was trying to say none of his relationships with people have touched him as much as his relationship with his dog. He seems to get this serious look on his face in so many of his photo shoots.(I probably would look bored out of my brain if I did a Twelve hour shoot.) Jenny Lumets piece is a bit disjointed and leaves more questions then it answers. IMO Yeah the vagina comments will have Summit freaking and into damage control I am sure. Can't have their little meal ticket/heartthrob trotting out gay like comments. LOL
Lucerne...I believe we all get what he was saying when he made the vagina statements. But we also know how viral the internet is, and how salacious it can be. I can completely see alot of gossip sites and frankly even some stupid 'news' sites picking just those two sentences from the article and running with some story/rumor/conjecture that he is gay. They won't care that he was making a joke. It's a soundbite world...and he just gave them a great one. That is the point of all our comments.
Rob looks beautiful, as always, but the interview seemed like an episode of 'Punk'd' to me. I had the feeling his answers, if they were his, were taken out of context. I have never seen nor heard an interview where he was not sweet and humble, this makes him sound like an a-hole, and I wonder about the intentions behind the whole thing. The comment about negroes, buying his mom cable, and especially the whole allergic to vaginas thing all sound nuts, so maybe he was messing with the interviewer's head! He is so hot right now, maybe this is some crazy backlash thing. He looks very uncomfortable in a few of these shots, poor guy! oh, well, even bad publicity is good publicity, right? ;)
I just reread this piece and when Jenny Lumet first talked with Rob it was 2008. She was to do some work on the script for Remember Me for Alan Coulter. She comments on his working on the script and the characters and one wonders if she felt that he was "stepping on her toes". You know.. young upstart actor trying to suggest/rewrite the script. Maybe she felt threatened by him??!! Makes more sense why this piece feels so disjointed too. I would guess this piece is a mash up of both interviews.IMO..I could be wrong?
I really dislike his vagina statement. IF it was a joke, albeit a stupid one,(It's so not quirky. But more John Mayeresque...) it simply doesn't come across as a joke here. Also really dislike her interview/writing style.
I'm a journalist myself, he comes across here as quite strange, sometimes very cold, sometimes warm and likable. It's truly a schizophrenic piece.I also suspect Rob of telling stories, bullshitting. He's entertaining himself.It's his good right, but the reporter should see trough that.
And just when it gets real; ie. the moment she says he lowers his voice when he talks about acting or utters the word actor, she lets him get away with it when he comes up with that vague negroe thing. Hello John Mayer?
No, I'm not impressed. English is not even my first language, and I could've done a better job. Cutting to the chase. Not only joking, bring on the real Rob, some deeper digging.
The elephant story was the most interesting out of this attempt at an interview.
The pics are so hot but maybe I am stupid coz I don't have a clue or understand what the hell is the article is trying to tell. I am completely lost. Nothing make sense to me :(
What wa she trying to get from the interview? Elephant? Vagina? Beer? OMG!! I am confused. uhuk
@ X.. you mention the negro thing but in the so called "interview" it is Jenny Lumet herself who supposedly said to RP that his soft worded "actor" sounded like he was saying "Negro". Hmmm I know American English and the British version is a little different but that sounded like a bigggg... stretch!!?? and a totally ridiculous statement on her part. He probably had no idea how to answer her anyway. I think it is her "story" and I do not think it sounds like she wrote his words Verbatim...just her interpretation! I do think she should stick to screenplays/storytelling because this is not a good article. Just as well the gorgeous pictures of Rob save it.
What the F--- Rob! My head is spinning trying to understand this interview, makes me want to erase all of it and start over. Nothing makes sense. I don't even understand the photo shoot. Now look at Vanity Fair and you and Emilie, those pictures were great and understood.
I agree with the earlier posts, the interviewer did a crappy job. A 12 year old could have written a better piece. It did feel to me she was trying to bring him down a notch or something. Maybe she made a pass at him and was rebuffed! ;) Maybe the allergic to vagina comment was for her benefit!All speculation aside, I agree, the photos would be better with a half naked Rob! Personally, I think the out-takes of his hand in the bathwater are sexier than the one they used in the magazine. IMO, he looks uncomfortable in the one they used, probably from sitting like that on the floor for too long. All in all, great pics, lousy interview!
X....I don't know that I would compare Rob to John Mayer. Mayer talked about two previous relationships, that were supposedly very important and significant, yet he reveals personal and sexual details about them that we really shouldn't know. Then he made a statement that he's attracted to all women but just can't bring himself to have sex with black women, using a former head of the KKK in his metaphor. I just don't think Rob's 'I hate vagina' statement falls into the John Mayer realm. I likened it to my daily statement that 'I hate my computer,' or Lainey Gossip's common statement that she 'hates people', or my friend saying daily that she wants to trade in her family for a new one. It's the statement of frustration or of being overwhelmed.
The more I read the article, the more I like it. It's real. And I think the revealing statements (ie: his emotional relationship with his dog, his love of political speech writing, his realization he has to relinquish some control to move forward) are the most interesting. I think Lumet was showing us that he is a sweet, humble guy with a frenetic or hyperactive mind, a quirky sense of humor, and a longing to experience and learn as much as he can.
Wow just Wow ! I died and went to Rob heaven. But I could have used a little more naked Rob, 'cause as a woman I don't think other naked women are as sexy as some naked Rob ;) Just saying !
I soo agree with what you said. This article was all over the place. It did not make a bit of sense and didnt seem like Rob at all. I mean I dont know him but from all the other interviews I heard and seen of him he has never came off this way before *shrugs*
Jenny Lumet started out as an actress and then began screenwriting. The movie she did the script for ("Rachel getting married") was clever but a little strange. So maybe it is just that she does 'strange' well. I did not like the way she did the article because it reads more like a story then an interview and is quite confusing in style. Having said that some of the comments by Rob (if they are his and not her interpretation)were very insightful/funny/quirky. He is a fascinating creature. People should not take all his comments too seriously though, as he has always had a habit of saying the unexpected and he does not always mean to be taken seriously I am sure.
I am a huge fan of Twilight and Robert. Robert has every right to do this kind of photo shoot. But I think that he should have waited until he was finished with the Twilight Saga. I have a sixteen year old daughter who also loves Twilight. I know that you will say don't buy the magazine. But these pictures are all over the internet. Also I didn't understand the meaning of the vagina comments. What the hell did you mean by that Robert?
I don´t get that people don´t like the style of this interview/article. I simple loved it, it´s so insightful and seems to be honest. Do you guys prefer Hello Magazin artikles or what??
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Good lord that is a really hot picture.
That's not Emilie, that's Analeigh Tipton and some other models. Emilie's shoot with him is for Vogue.
Hot. So f-ing, hot. His finger on her butt is killing me. So jealous.
OMG 0_0
oh my christ!
hawwwttt *cough*
I'm getting a GQ vibe here as far as Rob's looks go - love it! Yes, thanks to Twinkle over at IMDB boards. Come play with us if you are nice, all.
You forgot this Details cover outtake!
His eyes look kinda dead and sad.
I don't really get a hot vibe. Unless naked women do it for you - there's no interaction that I see from these pics that are hot.
Also, the 'dog' quote - that's old...Rob's dog died last X-Mas and he hasn't replaced her.
I just wanted to say thank you to you and your friend for giving us access. Truly.
OMG is the girl naked? :O
HOT! HAWT! Thanks!
Love the article....it's got an odd rhythm to it....but I like it.....it's natural.
I do have to add, if there aren't rumors of him being gay, there will be now after "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina." gets quoted all over the planet.
OMG!!!!! How can I get this magazine, it's in stores now?
First, I love the pics of Rob! They're very artsy and get Rob away from the tween persona. The article is kind of odd.
I must agree with Alison about his comment on disliking vaginas and being allergic to vagina, which we all know is going to have him being gay once people start reading the article. Could the author have let the readers in on where his statement on vaginas came from? What the hell does that statement mean? If I say I don't like a penis, somebody could surely take it as I could be a lesbian. Or, I could be joking...
What does he mean by "acting like negroes"?
Jeez. Please if people are going to get he is gay from that statement, then they are crazy IMO. Rob starts off in the article, pg 164 talking about breaking through what you think about yourself to try to make any sort of art. From that section of the article, he appeared to not have been too comfortable with the fact that during the 12 hour shoot, the women he was shooting with stayed naked for five or six hours. Call it British reserve, or whatever, but he appeared not to have been very comfortable with all the blatant nudity. IMO he said he is allergic vagina, and hate vagina to jokingly explain his reserve.
@ Gossipoly..Maybe he was trying to say none of his relationships with people have touched him as much as his relationship with his dog.
He seems to get this serious look on his face in so many of his photo shoots.(I probably would look bored out of my brain if I did a Twelve hour shoot.)
Jenny Lumets piece is a bit disjointed and leaves more questions then it answers. IMO
Yeah the vagina comments will have Summit freaking and into damage control I am sure.
Can't have their little meal ticket/heartthrob trotting out gay like comments. LOL
Lucerne...I believe we all get what he was saying when he made the vagina statements. But we also know how viral the internet is, and how salacious it can be. I can completely see alot of gossip sites and frankly even some stupid 'news' sites picking just those two sentences from the article and running with some story/rumor/conjecture that he is gay. They won't care that he was making a joke. It's a soundbite world...and he just gave them a great one. That is the point of all our comments.
Oh did I forget to mention that he still looks HAWT!!
Thanks for posting.
@ Lucerne ..understand your feeling but what Alison said is sad but true.
Rob looks beautiful, as always, but the interview seemed like an episode of 'Punk'd' to me. I had the feeling his answers, if they were his, were taken out of context. I have never seen nor heard an interview where he was not sweet and humble, this makes him sound like an a-hole, and I wonder about the intentions behind the whole thing. The comment about negroes, buying his mom cable, and especially the whole allergic to vaginas thing all sound nuts, so maybe he was messing with the interviewer's head! He is so hot right now, maybe this is some crazy backlash thing. He looks very uncomfortable in a few of these shots, poor guy! oh, well, even bad publicity is good publicity, right? ;)
I just reread this piece and when Jenny Lumet first talked with Rob it was 2008. She was to do some work on the script for Remember Me for Alan Coulter. She comments on his working on the script and the characters and one wonders if she felt that he was "stepping on her toes". You know.. young upstart actor trying to suggest/rewrite the script. Maybe she felt threatened by him??!! Makes more sense why this piece feels so disjointed too. I would guess this piece is a mash up of both interviews.IMO..I could be wrong?
wow!! he is so freaking hott its not even funny!!!!
Not so sure about this one...except the pics, of course. Rob comes off as a weirdo, who is being interiewed by an even bigger weirdo.
I really dislike his vagina statement. IF it was a joke, albeit a stupid one,(It's so not quirky. But more John Mayeresque...) it simply doesn't come across as a joke here. Also really dislike her interview/writing style.
I'm a journalist myself, he comes across here as quite strange, sometimes very cold, sometimes warm and likable. It's truly a schizophrenic piece.I also suspect Rob of telling stories, bullshitting. He's entertaining himself.It's his good right, but the reporter should see trough that.
And just when it gets real; ie. the moment she says he lowers his voice when he talks about acting or utters the word actor, she lets him get away with it when he comes up with that vague negroe thing. Hello John Mayer?
No, I'm not impressed. English is not even my first language, and I could've done a better job. Cutting to the chase. Not only joking, bring on the real Rob, some deeper digging.
The elephant story was the most interesting out of this attempt at an interview.
The pics are so hot but maybe I am stupid coz I don't have a clue or understand what the hell is the article is trying to tell. I am completely lost. Nothing make sense to me :(
What wa she trying to get from the interview? Elephant? Vagina? Beer? OMG!! I am confused. uhuk
Man this is just too bizzare.The pics would have been better if Rob was half naked.
@ X.. you mention the negro thing but in the so called "interview" it is Jenny Lumet herself who supposedly said to RP that his soft worded "actor" sounded like he was saying "Negro".
Hmmm I know American English and the British version is a little different but that sounded like a bigggg... stretch!!?? and a totally ridiculous statement on her part. He probably had no idea how to answer her anyway.
I think it is her "story" and I do not think it sounds like she wrote his words Verbatim...just her interpretation!
I do think she should stick to screenplays/storytelling because this is not a good article.
Just as well the gorgeous pictures of Rob save it.
omg!super hot!!how i wish i was one of the models hahaha!
I don't have any idea what the interview it's about, but I like the pictures and I totally agree with Liddlex4 ;)
What the F--- Rob! My head is spinning trying to understand this interview, makes me want to erase all of it and start over. Nothing makes sense. I don't even understand the photo shoot. Now look at Vanity Fair and you and Emilie, those pictures were great and understood.
I agree with the earlier posts, the interviewer did a crappy job. A 12 year old could have written a better piece. It did feel to me she was trying to bring him down a notch or something. Maybe she made a pass at him and was rebuffed! ;) Maybe the allergic to vagina comment was for her benefit!All speculation aside, I agree, the photos would be better with a half naked Rob! Personally, I think the out-takes of his hand in the bathwater are sexier than the one they used in the magazine. IMO, he looks uncomfortable in the one they used, probably from sitting like that on the floor for too long. All in all, great pics, lousy interview!
X....I don't know that I would compare Rob to John Mayer. Mayer talked about two previous relationships, that were supposedly very important and significant, yet he reveals personal and sexual details about them that we really shouldn't know. Then he made a statement that he's attracted to all women but just can't bring himself to have sex with black women, using a former head of the KKK in his metaphor. I just don't think Rob's 'I hate vagina' statement falls into the John Mayer realm. I likened it to my daily statement that 'I hate my computer,' or Lainey Gossip's common statement that she 'hates people', or my friend saying daily that she wants to trade in her family for a new one. It's the statement of frustration or of being overwhelmed.
The more I read the article, the more I like it. It's real. And I think the revealing statements (ie: his emotional relationship with his dog, his love of political speech writing, his realization he has to relinquish some control to move forward) are the most interesting. I think Lumet was showing us that he is a sweet, humble guy with a frenetic or hyperactive mind, a quirky sense of humor, and a longing to experience and learn as much as he can.
Wow just Wow ! I died and went to Rob heaven. But I could have used a little more naked Rob, 'cause as a woman I don't think other naked women are as sexy as some naked Rob ;) Just saying !
@ Cendrine
I soo agree with what you said. This article was all over the place. It did not make a bit of sense and didnt seem like Rob at all. I mean I dont know him but from all the other interviews I heard and seen of him he has never came off this way before *shrugs*
And what did she and him mean by that negro comment. I didnt really understand it but I know it wasnt something good and just totally uncalled for.
I meant that it was just totally uncalled for.
Anyway, I love the cover of the magazine. He looks delicious.
Jenny Lumet started out as an actress and then began screenwriting. The movie she did the script for ("Rachel getting married") was clever but a little strange. So maybe it is just that she does 'strange' well. I did not like the way she did the article because it reads more like a story then an interview and is quite confusing in style.
Having said that some of the comments by Rob (if they are his and not her interpretation)were very insightful/funny/quirky. He is a fascinating creature. People should not take all his comments too seriously though, as he has always had a habit of saying the unexpected and he does not always mean to be taken seriously I am sure.
Thank God!! I tot I was the only one who didn't understand the article. It was super messy and all the place. hmmm
Jane - my head spins too!!
I am a huge fan of Twilight and Robert. Robert has every right to do this kind of photo shoot. But I think that he should have waited until he was finished with the Twilight Saga. I have a sixteen year old daughter who also loves Twilight. I know that you will say don't buy the magazine. But these pictures are all over the internet.
Also I didn't understand the meaning of the vagina comments. What the hell did you mean by that Robert?
I don´t get that people don´t like the style of this interview/article.
I simple loved it, it´s so insightful and seems to be honest.
Do you guys prefer Hello Magazin artikles or what??
this is a perfect pic done by an artist photographer who is trying to say something
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