Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Moon Movie Companion - HQ PICTURES!

Scans The New Moon Movie Companion in HQ! Finally they're all here.

> >


Marcele Dotti said...

Can't wait longerr

Rayodeluna said...

Thank you so much!!! I can't wait to see this movie and to get the movie companion! This is going to be better than Twilight!

TinaP991 said...


AHUM.. time to compose myself.


SharonMacross said...


Not going to lie... I'm kinda tearing up a bit from happiness mixed with excitement.

I gasped out loud at the pic of the Volturi in period costume.

Oh Edward... ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod

Atykah Aura said...

This is unbelievable damn thing ever..Gah! It's scared me to death!!
I can't wait to see it...Go!! Go! Go!

Love it!!!

noirblanc said...

kristen was good in acting suffering because she's really never smile.

love edward / robert!!!

Anonymous said...

O M G just.. 6 weeks.. 3 days.. and it airs here!

MMc said...

These pix look great - I can't imagine there being many surprizes in the movie now that we've seen so much of it. But I hope there will be.

ayina_11 said...

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm speechless................
It's gonna be a great movie.........

Azlina Ilzdaf said...

OMG!!! I can't wait!!!!..I hope all the pics scenes will be in the movie...heard the uncut/unedited was 5 hours long.

I just love all the almost kiss and kissing pics of bella and edward and the way edward smile before he kissed bella.

OMG!!!!! I need it to be Nov already!!!

Anonymous said...

I looked at some Volturi Pictures and translated the writing that is visible on the walls...

Nemo est supra leges
Et sic (de ceteris)
Vita Brevis

No one is above the laws
And so (of the rest)
Life is short

...Good job set designers with the "motto". Do you agree?

Lady Jane said...

dude, how the hell many times does jacob try to kiss her?!?!?! i mean, there's 2 in here, and the one in the 2nd trailer looks different again!

jenskie said...

i love the photos!

ANGIE _2009 said...




Unknown said...

OMG.... My Heart just kept skipping a beat each time I saw a new Edward photo. He look's gorgeous and Superior. I like how they got his look right in this film. His wardrobe is just what I imagined it to be.
My only grouse is that Edward's hair is supposed to be bronze AKA a reddish brown color. Am I the only one who is as particular to the characters' suppose-to be-looks? His hair is looking brown IN EVERY SCENE :-( not right at all.

RobaliciousLover said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Rob looks so effin HOT!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

If Bella and Jacob kiss I will shoot someone. That is NOT cool.

If someone didn't read the books and looked at these pictures, they'd think Bella was a two-timer.

Unknown said...

Only 47 more days left until we get to see all this on the BIG SCREEN and in MOTION.


Kaila. said...

ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU for posting those pictures of Jacob. *more drool*
Damn. He. Is. Fine. haha
And I can't wait for Dakota Fanning to torture Rob! I will be screaming with joy because I'm evil ;)

smilli130 said...

i can't wait longer for the movie its going to be sooooo awesome edward is sooooooo HOT and jacob is just as HOT the movie is going to be awesome@!!!!!!

Scarlet G. Viana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RunsFromReality said...

Thanks for the scans!

Aimee said...

can't wait for itt!!!

Unknown said...

omg i cant wait i think im about to start cryin......but i do think robert (edward) looked better in Twilight cause in this movie he got ALL THAT MAKE UP ON AND HIS EYES R ALL RED LOOKIN..... AND THEIR OUTFITS LOOK SO DARK IN THIS MOVIE......BUT I STILL LOVEEEEEEEE IT

☆Ƌɀʋ ◕‿◕ said...

¡Dios!... Estoy tan emocionada por ver Luna Nueva, las fotografías son INCREÍBLES *-*

☆Ƌɀʋ ◕‿◕ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carmie1024 said...

wow... seeing all these movie stills makes the fans more excited to see the movie. we think it's a better one compared to twilight because of the stunts plus the werewolf morphing. we are all waiting for New Moon and this is going to happen GLOBALLY!!!

carmie1024 said...

wow... seeing all these movie stills makes the fans more excited to see the movie. we think it's a better one compared to twilight because of the stunts plus the werewolf morphing. we are all waiting for New Moon and this is going to happen GLOBALLY!!!

AF (g) said...

This is awesome! I just can't wait anymore for the freaking movie to come out...I love Taylor and I am proud to say I am Team Jacob! Werewolves Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Please people from Team Edward...don't get upset by this...Vampires rock as well!) =]

lilmissbronwyn said...

It's hard to believe that he can not get a date, maybe he would if he choose someone that was popular or wasn't a movie star or a model. I think Robert is very handsome and can not wait for the next movie of his to come out. I have seen all his movies and listen to his song and I think has a great voice. Robert if ur out there and your reading this there are people out there that would like to date u that actually know your name and not Edward Cullen. I am sure he will never read this, but just in case keep up the good work ur very talented man. I am just one of ur biggest fans and u have a lot.

Unknown said...

heee.. I Love it

Anonymous said...

omg i am dying looking at these pictures ill pass out for sure in the movie, they all look so amazing cant wait to see the movie with all my kids yes i am a twilight mom and proud of it and dont get me started with gorgeous rob wooooooow.

Oecil_Kritingz said...

very thank for sharing..
i love the movie very much
i just posting about new moon trailer movie

check this out on my blog

New Moon Trailer Movie

Anonymous said...

Edward looks so hot !!! i love you Robert Pattinson !!!!!

daniel john said...

We think it's a better one compared to twilight because of the stunts plus the werewolf morphing. we are all waiting for New Moon and this is going to happen GLOBALLY!!!
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Lanthanum said...

yeah a fantastic movie..Really "paisa vasool" (indian Phrase)

Anonymous said...

you can watch the movie online for free at

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Anonymous said...

It's a great movie. many times I've seen. especially the cast of this movie is really awesome. I want to see this movie in the cinema with my friends.

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zimb said...

for the fans of twilight


JohnHawk1989 said...

Thank you so much!!! I can't wait to see this movie and to get the movie companion! This is going to be better than Twilight!

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