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From a special issue from People Magazine. People are saying it's the 'meadow' scene from Eclipse.
This is the picture David Slade tweeted saying it's the meadow. It looks the same place.

Thanks to t_mauricexo for the picture from People Magazine
i just see it in full sides.
and it it´s real
i love it
i ear that it was gonna be a special about eclipse in E enterteiment.
i don´t know whent, but it is gonna to air soon.
Are you sure its from eclipse bellas hair doesnt look like a wig
exactly my thoughts it doesnt look like a wig!! dont know what to think =S
I love eclipse so much!
This made my day! love Rob!
i'm thingking if it is possible for summit to release a picture for eclipse without new moon being release yet?and the jacket bella was wearing is the one she used in new moon.enlighten me guys:)
I'm not sure about that pic, it looks from New Moon.
The hairdo! They killed his trademark hairdo!
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