Monday, September 6, 2010

Rob sighting in Santa Fe last night?

At least according to two different people, he was in a restaurant in Santa Fe with his "buddies" last night.

As always, grain of salt.


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drabrasil said...

what this means?

Saxty81 said...

New Mexico???

Unknown said...

The idea of a group of British boys wandering the states makes me giggle. Not sure why.

robsten love 4 ever said...

@Saxty81 i think so

behnaz said...


♪♫ Yaelfica ♪♫ said...

everybody loves ROB when they meet him even when they aren't fans of his work or twilight. FACT :D

giulia said...

when is he going to come have dinner in london !!! this is where he's from .. come home for a visit ;0)

Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear if it is true...Hopefully Rob is enjoying his time off from work...Perhaps a road trip to places in the states he has yet to see...Thinking about Rob and his friends driving around the country just enjoying life...So many amazing places to see in the US that would allow him to roam free of the annoying paps...Time for some "normalcy"and leave behind the rotten baggage that unfortunately comes along with his beloved career...Thinking of him going into some off the beaten path bar with his guitar and playing his beloved music without a fn care in the world....That would be so wonderful if that were what he were doing...Just enjoy Rob, wherever you are, and whatever you are doing...CHEERS!

twilightnan said...

Hi ,Yael,well he is on holiday after all,so Good on you Rob..CHEERS MATE!!have a great time with your British friends:)..not staying long tonight really shattered after my gradsons's birthday party yesterday..hug to u and all the favs:)..just read @RavenLilly wonderful comments about Rob..ITA with u..I love the idea of him playing the guitar and having a smashing time w/ his mates far away from the maddening crowds:)

JA said...

on his way from LA to baton rouge?

cutiestar said...

If this is true, than I think he is on his way to New Orleans to see Kristen.

twilightnan said...

I'm not familiar with the geography of the different states in America so I have no clue as to where Rob is in now.or whether..where he is now is an indication that he is on his way to see Kristen...well I will be extremely happy if he is on his way to meet up with the love of his life:)love and hugs to all Favs!!

JA said...

@twilightnan, NM is between Calif and Louisiana :) we'll prob. get a dallas or houston sighting in the next few days

twilightnan said...

Thanks @JA:)..I will just check the site and I'm sure you'll keep us informed...we should have put a tracking devise on him..hehehe..a Big HUG to u especially for that info thanks again:)...hugs to all the other favs:)

Unknown said...

What makes them think Rob's on a road trip? The thought of him doing one with his buddies is awesome. I just hope it's not in that classic Chevy because last we saw it, it didn't sound like it would run very far. The engine had a horrible death rattle. I was even wondering if some salesman had tricked Rob into buying a lemon.

twilightnan said...

@mello,ITA w/u ...that car was terrible..they could see him and ,and the paparazzis could over take that Chevy riding a moppet w/out any problems,he should have asked his dad for some advise as he was a dealer in classic cars,..well, we just hope he is having lots of fun and wishing him a safe journey wherever he is heading!!:)

Nicole said...

Jessica, ITA, the idea of a bunch of British guys doing a southern road trip makes me giggle like a school girl. So funny. I hope its true and he is having a blast seeing the sites, or just drinking the local beer.

Emilia Silva said...

ola!! tu blog está excelente, me encantaría enlazarte en mis sitios webs.

Y por mi parte te pediría un enlace hacia mis web y asi beneficiar ambos blogs con mas visitas.

Espero tu Respuesta a

Un cordial saludo

Catherine Mejia

Anonymous said...

Todo lo que haga Rob tiene que ver con Kristen y viceversa? no entiendo esta obsesion por ellos, Kristen esta en New Orleans y puede que Rob vaya a verla o no... son dos personas independientes y os empeñais en que uno no pueda vivir sin el otro.

Unknown said...

Kristen will be in New Mexico, right? I think that's the next place after Lousiana.

Unknown said...

@twilightnan a tracking device? LOL!

cutiestar said...

Actually no, the next place is Mexico and reports have her wrapping her part in the film in New Orleans next week. But it is possible that she will have to go to Mexico. Rob and crew has been spotted big time in Texas tonight. It does appear that he is On the Road headed to New Orleans.

ouchick99 said...

We can confirm that he was at Galisteo in Santa Fe on Sunday night with 2 other guys (Sam Bradley and Tom Sturridge, we think). We were sitting right by the girl from the twitter post, her mom and her sister. Crowd was mostly 50+, so I think a lot of folks didn't recognize him. We were able to figure out it was him, pmostly because he was wearing that same hat with the LB logo - in a restaurant where you probably shouldn't be wearing a hat, I might add... Took a pic on my phone, but didn't turn out great since it was kind of dark (and on a phone). Alas...