Monday, August 9, 2010

HQ Compilation Post: 2010 Teen Choice Awards

Since the other post became a mess with HQ and MQs, here are all the pictures HQ and untagged. There are some new ones

You can find a few MQs that aren't in this post HERE ImageBam image upload ImageBam image upload

Thanks so much to Linda, Setje and kjmchjzun at Pattinsonlife for all the pictures!


  1. he's almost too beautiful in HQ

  2. I wish Kristen could have been there to have enjoyed this night with him but I am sure they used their IPAD to communicate with each other. So happy Rob won for RM. He deserved it.

  3. ROB..our congratulations for winning the best teen actor award ..for drama!!" Remember Me" to many of us.. You were the HOTTIE WINNER!!and what has that girl in black (on her knees)..done to you?,,you looked good in that blue shirt..have a happy and safe holiday..!!thank u mandy/rpl..@ JANE..guess what..I have the same wish as you!!!

  4. Hello... beautiful pics... can somebody do a zip? please!!!!

  5. Another thing I don't get peopel who make up crap like that. If you don't like R/K together or if you don't like Rob or Kristen then don't say anything. How hard is it to keep your mouth shut.

  6. OMG! That girl in black.. What's up with her? What is she kneeling for?:))))) Did Rob just automatically protected his crotch or his pocket from her?:)))))))!! Rob is sizzling hot in all his pictures!!..and I would like to shake both Rob's hands for his win in drama actor for Remember Me. Congratulations!! Oh, I wish Kristen could be there, too...

  7. jesus the lord my savior!!! blue is my new fav color!!!
    oh god when can we see this is it on somewhere today?? or do i have to wait till tomorrow...i'm a bit exited as u can tell..O_O

    hi @twilightnan..iluvthemovies..mrs.deen..papagaj...kisses all around!!

  8. I'm in Robfiestmood
    Rob's smile brightens up my day

    saludos hermosa @Yaelfica !!!

    LOVE Favs and U ALL!!!!!

  9. aawww tks @papagaj!! i also think i'm beautiful!! hahaha no just kidding!!

    tu eres DIVINA @papagaj ;)

    @twilightnan u were right about nikki. she looks bitter in all of the pics she's in!! what happened? hope she's not in love with ROB after all this time...that would break my heart so i totally understand her..and i've just made up my own soap opera..haha or "telenovela" as we call it ;)

    oh i mis mrs.deen..hope she's ok..

    @iluvthemovies where is BIEL's video?? on youtube?? i'm so going there right now!! see ya!!

  10. Awkward moment of the night would be the girl kneeling in front of Rob,

    Rob looks hot in blue. I have always liked him in this color.

  11. Hi Darlings.....

    I am computer at home crashed and I saw all these pictures only in the morning today....So until my computer comes back up hopefully tomorrow, I am unavailble.....I feel like I missed a lot....

    I am so glad he won for Best actor Drama....that is the only thing mattered to me...he was so good in remember me....yep he looks so baby....

    My favs...are you all ok...I missed you all so much during the weekend.....but you know I love you all very much and was thinking abuot you all..

    Today's TCA It is also getting recorded like Oprah show, jay leno show , Nightline , Ellen get the point...

    Love you all very much....

  12. hi mrs.deen!! we were a bit worried about u darling!

    i'm soooo glad u got to read our comments about u.. they r A LOT! ;)

    hope to read u soon..and yes BEBE SHIKITO still HOT as hell..not gonna change anytime soon hehe

    apparently i wont get to see the awards till tomorrow when RPL heaven uploads it for us..

    kisses tu u all and good night!!

  13. @iluvthemovies i'm SO glad is nothing serious..

    good news everywhere with mrs.deen too..
    and stick to ROB's commandments i beg u..don't make me quote another from ROB's bible please! there's nothing worse than bieber-hell i tell ya ;)

    well i'm off to bed a bit sad i wont get to see ROB tonight but tomorrow will be my day :D

    kisses to all my 4 favs..yeah u know who u r! *favs mentally doing numbers* ;)

  14. What happened to lluvthemovies..hope she is ok.....are you ok honey?

    good night yaelfica, ..I think I should say good night to twilightnan too.....I read comments only on this thread...I was working...hopefully everything you said about me was not that bad hahaha...

    I am going home....will talk to you guys tomorrow.....

    Love and kisses to my favs..

  15. Wasn't that Katy Perry as one of the vampire girls at the end of the show and grabbing on to Rob's pants? I really didn't get into her as a hostess.

  16. @Jane,
    That is who I think it is too. I think it is Katy grabbing onto Rob's trousers. I wonder if Rob is invited to Katy's and Russell Brand's wedding. I know that Rob has hung around Katy at some clubs and that they are friends. Just a thought. I'll let you know what I thought of her performance as hostess once the show is over.

  17. @Jane,
    That is who I think it is too. I think it is Katy grabbing onto Rob's trousers. I wonder if Rob is invited to Katy's and Russell Brand's wedding. I know that Rob has hung around Katy at some clubs and that they are friends. Just a thought. I'll let you know what I thought of her performance as hostess once the show is over.

  18. Why the hell Ashley bitch started talking for the group, trashy cunt.

  19. The are all beautiful, that's why they are movie stars! We do not know these people, only what we read, most of which is trash.

  20. @ dorym..well if that is your opinion about movie stars ..why do you bother to come on this site..just to remind you that this is a fan site dedicated to ROBERT PATTINSON in case you are confused..I think we are all responsible adults and capable of knowing if what we are reading is don't have to spell it to us...and @ cleo..I'M no fan of Ashley Green..but she doesn't deserved to be called like that..especially the last word please don't use it again as it is very offensive coming from a lady!I am sure @ Iluvthemovies have expressed the same concerns about this comments of yours in another please let's be civil and nice!

  21. Hi twilightnan,
    Why can't we all get along on this post if our main objective is to admire and adore Robert. ITA with your sentiments, you always state everything in such a lovely way. Oh yes I told cloe the same thing as you did there is no need for that sort of hate or words. I am all for free speech but there is always ways of expressing yourself without being crude. I guess most everyone loves Robert in Blue. It is like Edward in Twilight loving Bella in blue. I see a theme here.
    Stopped by for a quick overall view of what was happening on the site. BTW, did you see the Biel video, because I am either to repressed or I need me some lovin, but I can't get enough of that video at that certain spot. Gotta go.

  22. @iluvthemovie aaahahahahaha let it go already!! haha i told u wasn't healthy!!
    just what u needed : rob's-pack-obsession!! XD

    is a cellphone people!! ahahahahaha..
    well i'm not really sure now but i'm trying to keep the sanity in this group..composure ladies, composure hehe

  23. @yaelfica,
    You are hysterical. I knew if anyone would appreciate this, you would. BTW, that is no cellphone, I have never seen one shaped that way. It could be shadows or how the pants lay against him, I just smile when I see it and I guess Biel who made the video likes it too. I only wish this was the reason I was not sleeping good because I think I would have sweet dreams every night.

    I want to thank you for the lullabye and to all of you who have been so kind about my sleepless nights. Hopefully I have a handle on it and it is so nice to speak with all you about this because sometimes the stress of taking care of an elderly relative takes it's toll. Muchas Gracias and Thank you.

    @JA, I pointed out on this thread or one of the recent TCA posts, I put a link up to access the video, it was brought to my attention by someone else who commented on this site at 1:26 was an interesting shot of Rob's probable anatomy. I notice Biel, who I am certain many know about her videos of Rob does seem to focus on that certain region of Rob. I can't blame the girl. Anyway, let me know if you can't find it and I will repost the link.

  24. @iluvthemovies i knew it was something like happened to me las year by the time i became robsessed but i knew it wasn't my case i had too many bills to pay and no money to pay them so i was up all night..terrible i understand u a little bit..
    hope u get some sleep soon
    hugs and kisses
