Friday, June 12, 2009

Who Should Be People's Next Sexiest Man? Our Pick!

Somebody's getting cocky! Hugh Jackman is already building his own hype to be the first person to hold the title of People's Sexiest Man Alive two years in a row, ugh. We love the hunk to pieces, but he promotes his pecs enough during his daily beach-frolicking routine. He doesn't need a People spread to do that all over again.

Hugh doesn't even have a flick to promote this fall when Sexiest Man is picked (tho even being named last year's sexiest stud couldn't save Australia). Let's make room for a new man...Who should it be?

For a change of pace, why doesn't the mag go for a more offbeat choice? Somebody younger, but who still has a rough, dirty side. Someone totally humble in his sexiness, as opposed to Jackman, who flexes even when not asked.

You know, somebody like...

Robert Pattinson, duh!

Rob was one of People's Sexiest last year, but we want our pet Pattz to get the highest honor he deserves—the damn cover! Let's start the sexy campaign right now for the most doable dude out there!

As if the MTV Movie Awards wasn't proof enough of his desirability, every major H'wood hottie from Megan Fox to Kristen Stewart to Natalie Portman wants a bite of him.

He's as handsome in a tux as he is without anything at all. Rob's got the shouldering thing down to perfection, and tho he might be young, he sure smells like a sweaty alpha male! Plus, he's involved in one helluva hot, clandestine love affair known as Robsten, and he's got New Moon to promote in the fall. What more could the mag ask for?

Hey, at the very least, we know it won't be Spencer Pratt!

Oh, and for the bitchy record, People repeatedly refused to take our calls suggesting as much. Probably too busy covering Gyllenspoon's latest coffee date.


1 comment:

  1. This has been on my mind too! I think Rob totally deserves the honor.
