Friday, June 12, 2009

Rob and the paparazzi in NYC


  1. mmm....he was angry...can't blame him....poor baby!!

  2. can anyone type what rob said and what was said in french. its hard to hear.

  3. It's about time! He ia always so quiet, I honestly don't know how he has been so polite all this time.

  4. I thought he handled it really well. He wasn't loud or angry and he was actually laughing but he still managed to get the photographer to leave him alone. I would have done the same thing!
    He said something along the lines of "What? What do you want?" and then "Too close? It's going to be like this all night." and finally "Ok,you got your photo now leave me alone."

  5. He did GREAT! Dealing with paps is a real skill and at least in this moment he seems to have mastered it. I love how in the end he says "You're being so mean to me for a lot of money, you already got a photo." That's like what every celebrity wants to say but doesn't. It was perfect. Backed the guy right off.

  6. well i think it was ok but going into the movie buisness he knew that this was going to happen right?

  7. i dont think he knew that he was going to be the MEGA-HARRASSED star that he is now..he said that he thought he was going to get a good many other actors who get really great jobs in movies and tv shows but dont get famous over night like it happened to david morse..lots of good films and tv guest appereances but...nothing just saying...rob is a phenomenon but please just let him live...(sorry for my english)
