Monday, February 2, 2009

Robert Pattinson: The Perfect Male Model - Old Photoshoot ♥


  1. No...No.. I don't like these. I don't like his hair...I know it was a long time ago, but still.

  2. The firsth and the third are the best, the others.... I don't know... Hi, nice blog!! My name is Mili, and i'm a fan of your blog. I add you to my favorites. Oh, and, forgive my bad english, i'm from argentina n_n

  3. He looks good- even back then. I love his eyes!

  4. I like these photos- I like the "real" look of him (his eyebrows, lol). I really like the one with the sweater. Yeah his eyes make me melt.

  5. I love his expressions they are priceless

  6. I love the hair and eyebrows!!! I hated how he was manscaped for 'Twilight'. My fave pic is the one with the red cable turtleneck sweater! Nice jawporn too!

  7. hahahh the second one is just scary. but i love him anyways. i love the sweater one <33

  8. I don't think he enjoyed modeling. At least it doesn't look like he did.

  9. I think he looks like a pro, but the first pic is NOT a good example. He can sing, act, model, play the guitar AND the piano... Wonder what is he modeling for in these photos?

  10. OMG! OMG! Love the first one and the turtle neck one. :D

    Sure, smoking is bad, but Rob is just hottttt in this one. Haha.

    T.E.C <3
