Monday, February 2, 2009

Rob in Australian NW Magazine

Thanks to grabshell on pattinsonlife.


  1. Of course Rob when. There is no need to even question. But, I'm tired of hearing about him and Camillia Belle. They are not a couple and never were. If people would listen to him and her when they speak about each other. They are only friends. She used to date Tom for a while, which is Rob's best friend. Her and Rob have known each other for some time.

  2. the people really need find a girlfriend for Rob.Poor boyy

  3. Rob and Camilla, bla bla bla. They both refer to the other as "my friend," but whatever.

  4. ugh. rob isnt with camilla. joe jonas is. people need to get over the fact that men and women can be friends. just like him and kristen stewert are FRIENDS. oh dont get me started on this subject. i should just stop now.

  5. Camilla's with Joe. But this reminded me on something. Rob is tall and Camilla is too. So it won't be weird to see Rob beside her. Though in recent pics (maybe its them, its from behind) I saw Camilla with Joe, first thought that came to my mind was, "Joe is so short!!!" Lol! They were almost at the same height but apparently second thought that came in was, "OMG, Camilla looked like she was babysitting." And the third thought was even worse, "What the? She's not even wearing heels! She'll be forbidden to wear heels with Joe! Just like when Nicole Kidman is with Tom Cruise!" Lol! Now I really wanna know how Joe felt when Camilla and Rob went for lunch few months back. Of course she might say they are friends (which they are) but the dude got to feel some insecurities.

  6. On the upper article- did anyone read it... it's all wrong about Edward!! Boo.
