Wednesday, August 12, 2015

New Fan Picture of Rob - August 12th

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  1. Looks like he's having a guiness there. Lovely pic.

  2. What a cute fan picture. Rob's beard has been trimmed and maybe darkened. Going to be very busy the rest of the year, so hopefully we can still get pictures of him on set

  3. interesting fact: in the book LCOZ Henry Costin (Rob's role) accompanies them on the first 2 expeditions but not the last. If this book is based on the last expedition when they disappeared then Rob will probably not be needed in Columbia for filmng

  4. @alice no i don`t think that`s the case. robs monster beard looks very much "lost in the jungle" to me lol

  5. could be andrea...we will have to see if they are true to the book....that beard trimmed up as it is now is also the style of that time....hope he does continue on to the jungle

  6. Films are not always shot in sequence of events. Best to enjoy whatever is revealed and stop trying to guess where Rob will be and when.

  7. Rob will more than likely be in some jungle footage in Colombia or he wouldn't have needed such a massive beard, and if he went on expositions at all he would be in the jungle at some points in the film, but who knows really except James Gray and the film makers.

  8. There's a page six story about T face timing her boo and she calls him "baby"(awww!) she's flying to Sweden for way out west and tells him she wants to see him tomorrow, and she is apparently sweetly berating him for failing to listen to her advice on something, sooo cute!

  9. Try Rob Pattinson 360 or 360 twitter No one special, but I have to warn you I and many people feel it's super invasive what this friend of a TV editor did by listening to her private conversation w/Rob and reporting it along w/a picture of Rob which you can clearly see on her iphone beardy beautiful Rob's face it's so sweet, but not necessarily appropriate.

  10. Rob and T are on everyone's lips and anyone that sees either one of them know how people want a picture of what they are doing. I guess that goes with the territory of being famous. But the ugly tweets about the picture is what is so hard to deal with. But more and more people are seeing what these nutjobs are doing and are beginning to disregard them as nothing more than jealous, crazy people who are trying to live their lives through celebrities.

  11. i have seen the picture too and i hope that no fansite posts it. it was not ok to take that picture. but yeah the reactions from the same group of people were nothing but embarrassing. you have to be a serious nutcase to get so mad over a couple doing something completely normal. and to expect from twigs that she should have there are no words for those people. sad, bitter and hateful people indeed but yes i have also seen how most people (and to my surprise even from people i wouldn`t have expected it from) just laughed and made fun of them.

  12. I agree the pic of Twigs Facetiming with Rob is very invasive, but it's also really cute. She wasn't aware the person behind her was taking that pic, but I understand her wanting to talk to Rob right before she got on a plane. Everyone calls the person they're with before they fly, I know I do.

    As for TLCOZ, they aren't sticking close to the book at all. It all takes place in the past, there is no author trying to track down the expeditions the way there is in the book.

    It also doesn't focus on the last expedition. Rob has a co-starring role, he's in most of the film, doing a lot of adventurous stunts and having death-defying escapes. It's a meaty role with a lot of opportunity for him to show his range as an actor.
