Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First Trailers of LIFE

It's finally here! And it's amazing! The first trailer of LIFE!

EDIT: Same version as the French trailer (more footage, more Rob as Dennis Stock), but without the subtitles.

With French subtitles

Source | Thanks to Transmission Films and Verena for the second link | Thanks to @ArpSelection for the third link.


  1. OMG finallyyyyyyy!!!! i LOVE it! his accent is on point! i am going to watch this the whole day (sorry work no time for you today)

  2. YAY finally. OMG OMG Love it.
    and the second France Life Trailer is even better and longer

  3. @rob mylove yessss. watched it like 30 times already lol. rob filming LCOZ at the moment, life trailer, rob maybe going to venice for Coal, the trap is now on robs Imdb page and Good time is now in pre-production. sooooo much to look forward to. i am loving it all.

  4. OMFRP! this movie looks amazing! I will watch this every work break lol! The way Anton shoots movies is so cool and Rob's accent is superb. Looks like I know what I'm doing every night when this movie comes to theater. RIP free time you belong to the amazing Robert Pattinson!

  5. I sure hope this come to a theater near me. I would love to see it on the big screen. Another great role for Rob. Can't wait to see it.

  6. Thanks for posting. It's always great to get info on Rob's work.

  7. No, unlike the Rover this is supposed to open world wide Sept. 25 hopefully to thousands of theaters per city as opposed to hundreds or 6 theaters like "Cosmopolis".

  8. Keeping my fingers crossed Alesia. I did get to see his last one(Rover) at a theater but I had to travel about 50 mins. which wasn't bad. It was definitely worth it. This is such a pleasant change from the animation, bombing, and killing movies out now. Very excited to see it.

  9. I CAN'T WAIT! The trailer already looks so good. I will definitely drag my boyfriend to the cinema!
    I love that the movie comes out on my birthday :-)

  10. The superb Robert Pattinson. They sure got that right.
