It's Rob's business to do what he wants. I don't think he needs any of our permission to tell him what he can do and where he can go, right? What is so funny, if he was doing this with his ex, all you haters would be eating it up.
Hahaha the man is out shopping for clothes and people have to bring up the gf and the ex girlfriend no matter what. No.Matter.What.
I swear it's like you guys are stuck in this Team whatever thinking and can't help yourselves from trying to rub the other side's nose in it.
How about just liking him and his acting and movies? Why do some people seem thoroughly unable to leave his personal life personal even when he's in a picture all by himself? I swear to God, it's pathological for some.
Actually, I was just trying to same something positive about his gf amidst all the negativity flying about. You may or may not have noticed but I rarely comment on twigs If I was stirring I wouldn't have done the smiley.
It is sooooooo sad to see this man can't go anywhere WITHOUT some stalker hidding behind a clothes rack secretely taking his picture WITHOUT his permission. SMH. I see why ROb get a little pissed and so NO when he doesn't want his picture taken even if he's with or without Tahliah. YOU FANS ARE HARD HEADED!!!!
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. Cara mengobati miom dan kista tanpa operasi
Robert Pattinson Life is not affiliated with Robert Pattinson or his management in any way.
There is no copyright infringement intended on this blog. If you are the original owner of any media used and would like it removed, we will be happy to do so, please contact us.
Write to Rob
US Address
Robert Pattinson c/o Endeavor Agency Stephanie Ritz 9601 Wilshire Blvd. Floor 3 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
UK Address
Robert Pattinson Curtis Brown Group Ltd. Haymarket House 5th Floor 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4SP UK
Jesus that's sneaky
Is that so? to my knowledge did not like it ...
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Rob sure is clothes shopping a lot. He has a lovely gf to impress ;).
At least he/she waited a week to it out...
But still, it's absurd and just... Ahhhgggghhhh!!!!... Come on!!
... a week to PUT it out...
Oops... XD
It's Rob's business to do what he wants. I don't think he needs any of our permission to tell him what he can do and where he can go, right? What is so funny, if he was doing this with his ex, all you haters would be eating it up.
Hahaha the man is out shopping for clothes and people have to bring up the gf and the ex girlfriend no matter what. No.Matter.What.
I swear it's like you guys are stuck in this Team whatever thinking and can't help yourselves from trying to rub the other side's nose in it.
How about just liking him and his acting and movies? Why do some people seem thoroughly unable to leave his personal life personal even when he's in a picture all by himself? I swear to God, it's pathological for some.
....or maybe the guy just wants a pair of shoes where he needs them or NOT!
Actually, I was just trying to same something positive about his gf amidst all the negativity flying about. You may or may not have noticed but I rarely comment on twigs If I was stirring I wouldn't have done the smiley.
It is sooooooo sad to see this man can't go anywhere WITHOUT some stalker hidding behind a clothes rack secretely taking his picture WITHOUT his permission. SMH. I see why ROb get a little pissed and so NO when he doesn't want his picture taken even if he's with or without Tahliah. YOU FANS ARE HARD HEADED!!!!
oh i also know if like that
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a very interesting article, I really like it..
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he was a boy, but she was a girl, can i make it any more obvious?he was a punk, she did ballet..
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When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. Cara mengobati miom dan kista tanpa operasi
Whenever you have taken up work in hand, you must see it to the finish. That is the ultimate secret of success. Never, never, never give up. Obat tradisional untuk menghilangkan benjolan di leher
Thank you for the information, and healthy greetings.
Obat Syaraf Kejepit
thkans for informations
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