Sunday, May 12, 2013

New/Old Pictures of Rob and David Cronenberg Promoting 'Cosmopolis' at Cannes (2012)

Robert Pattinson linked-up with Laurent Delahousse for the '20h' show of France 2.

David Cronenberg interviewed by Marie-Jo Jouan (France 2) and her crew.

Source | Thanks to @Pattinson_AW for the heads up :)


  1. If I could go! But I have alot ofwork in may... :(

  2. Rob looks so gorgeous in that pic and he was not even in Tux!...CANNES & ROB 2012 was amazing!!! excited to know he will be there again this year..hope we get lots of goodies like last year!!!..*HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY* to all who are celebrating:)...Iluvthemovies & Lisa and the other ladies..Haxy,Vana,Kiri,Jela,Yael...hope to catch up with you all tomorrow...ROB'S 27th BIRTHDAY...May 13th 2013!!!..Thank you RPLife team for this Amazing website dedicated for ROB!
