Sunday, May 12, 2013

First Look at 'Maps to the Stars' from Cannes

First promo poster for 'Maps to the Stars' and official synopsis. The original score of the movie will be done by Howard Shore.

 #Cannes2013: First 'Maps to the Stars' visual. The new #Cronenberg with Robert Pattinson and Mia Wasikowska

Plot Summary:

Led by the loathsome yet funny and touching child-star Benjie, we witness the convoluted world of shallow, selfish celebrities and their minions, all of whom are about to be manipulated and destroyed by the young woman who literally represents the fruit of their twisted machinations, Agatha, Benjie’s tormented, apparently psychotic sister. As much as it is a sharp, comic look at a vacant and corrupt world, MAPS TO THE STARS is also a haunting ghost story.
Another summary via @LeRPattzClub and @RobPattMoms
The Weiss family is the archetypical Hollywood dynasty: father Sanford is an analyst and coach, who has made a fortune with his self-help manuals; mother Cristina mostly looks after the career of their son Benje, 13, a child star. One of Sanford's clients, Havana, is an actress who dreams of shooting a remake of the movie that made her mother, Clarice, a star in the 60s. Clarice is dead now and visions of her come to haunt Havana at night...Adding to the toxic mix, benje has just come off a rehab program he joined when he was 9 and his sister, Agatha, has recently been released from sanatorium where she was treated for criminal pyromania.

Closer looks on the poster's background

Source | Larger pic thanks to @Gossipgyal :)
eOneFilms | Via @LeRPattzClub :)


  1. Can't wait for this movie to start filming and come out! Rob's acting in Cosmopolis was SPECTACULAR! I think Rob and David make a really great pack, they're fit for each other.
    So exciting!!!!!! :-)

  2. @Haxy I could not agree with you more with the teaming of David and Rob. I would love it if these two partner up in the future for more films like Burton and Depp and Scorsese with DeNiro and Leonardo DiCaprio, it would be awesome. Super excited about the poster. If the promos are correct, Rob should be heading over to Cannes to help David receive distributorship for the movie, I am so jazzed about this.

  3. Happy B'day Rob!!!!!!! It's already may 13 here. All the best for you darling and may all your wishes come true.... ;-)

    So excited to see what he'll do for his b'day party..... Can't wait!

  4. O.O... Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike it !!!!!... :D ...

    Me too!!!!!... :D... I want fire, fire in that movie!... :D...
    I just posted a message for you at the "papz entry"... ;)...

  5. No word about Jerome. What will he do? I'm curious.

  6. Associated...?... Maybe... Or Benje's rol model...
    Or the bad, jerk one...?... In betting on the jerk one...
