
HQ thanks to Pattinsonlife


Question to producer Wyck: There are petitions, so the next part comes earlier in the cinemas. Is there any chance for the fans?
Answer: No, sorry, this is unfortunately impossible. (Big grin)
Question to Rob and Taylor: What is your favorite song from the Twilight soundtrack?
Taylor: A Thousand Years by Christina Perry!
Rob: Oh, is there a song that (I don't remember the title?), oh crap ... (laughter in the hall)
Question for Rob: When your first CD comes out that you're recording together with Taylor? (much laughter in the hall!)
Rob: Hmm, I do not know because I have very great respect! So far there are no plans to ..
Question to Rob and Taylor: Are you actually afraid of something?
Taylor: I'm terrified of sharks! Rob said: Well, it's easy to avoid, right? (much laughter!)
Rob: I'm afraid of nerve invasion ... No, I'm not afraid of anything (lacht!)
Question: The fans must now wait a whole year until the final part comes out. Why so long?
Reply from director Bill Condon: The production is incredibly complex, but the fight scenes. The stars are involved in other film projects, they have great opportunities to realize now.
Earlier question: Question: to Rob: What was it like to shoot someone in another movie?
Rob: that was fun (lacht!), a pretty bloody affair but ... ;-)
Erlier Question: Do you expect with this huge success of the Twilight saga?
Rob: No, this is madness! We are totally surprised how great everything has become. Our fans are incredibly passionate and enthusiastic. It's great to be back here and to present the fourth part.
Thanks ChrisiMusic4 | Source | Source
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