UPDATE2: The Playlist confirms that Marion left the project.
UPDATE 3: Keira Knightley's rep told EW that nothing could be confirmed at the moment.

According to Alfama Films' (co-produces the movie) website, Rob has a new co-star in Cosmopolis: Keira Knightley
Marion Cottilard, previously linked to the part, announced just a week ago that she's expecting her first child.

Full page screencap

The Playlist has a great article about Keira replacing Marion. Click here to read it.
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I am at heaven's gate, hallejuh, I can't even speak to tell you how excited I am about this pairing. This is so amazing, stupendous, and outright the best news for this movie. Two see two hot British imports in this American tale is delicious. I am jumping up and down. I thought I was happy with Marion but with Keira I am shouting and doing a happy dance. Thanks RPL for the great news.
Uoh...I don't like too much Ms Knightley, but I was surprised with Emilie.... so , we'll see,we'll see.
Hi, Iluvthemovies, and every Rob's fans.
@Iluvthemovies,..just like you I'm very excited to know that Keira Knightley have replaced Marion I wonder if Keira will play the role of Elise Shifrin- Eric's young wife of 22 days?..this is great casting news..and I cannot wait for the rest of the characters to be announced!..as far as Cosmopolis story goes,Rob would be playing a role which would be shocking and an eye opener;)..omg!.!hi to my favs:)thanks RPL for this great news!
@twmmy, hey girl where have you been I see once in awhile you are on here, miss your direct reparte. I hope Keira can change your mind, she has received an academy award nomination for best actress, so we know she has the chops.
@twilighnan, I have to get the book but it sounds very much like a fan fic favorite and has those sort of undertones, MOTU. I can hardly wait to download the book on my ereader. However, I can hardly wait to see these two. You come from a country with so many great talents thanks for lending them to us. Hugs to you and the other favs. I hope this brings them joy as well.
@Iluvthemovies,thx for your question: just my work, just my work. Year-start, and all the things with account...Brrr. I'm here everyday, but only have a quick eye on Rob, and run after my things, children ,hb, piano-lesson, karate....And about Keira, just now have that in my mind, I loved her in Love Actually. Not too much in P&P, so-so in the role miss Swan .. Isn't it weird? Another Swan....
I've to say best news! I'm super excited for this pairing, i love Keira Knightly she's amongst best actress of her generation!!! :-)
and Hello ladies, i've missed you all! :-)
awesome! i thought cotillard was too old anyways...
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