Friday, August 20, 2010

Rob in Cosmopolitan (September 2010)

Mediocrechick at Pattinsonlife


  1. Oh here it goes, I can just see it more to hate on Rob for, I can see the men and women who despise Rob or Twilight, talking about his hair and how effiminate he is. This is the type of thing I wish they would not print about him or Kristen. Now they will say "hey look she is butch". Leave these kids alone, I know that is about the only way you people sell your magazines and receive hits.

  2. this is ridiculous, even for Cosmo.

  3. wowwwwwwwww i love both marion and rob:X::X::X

  4. go kristen stewart and ed westwick , even I love Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Rob is a trend setter everyone seems to be copying this short (wfe) hair cut..Zac Efron looks like sporting the same haircut in new Details mags photo shoot it looks good but Rob is still the best..imo..and it's upseting putting Kristen's pics next to a bloke..are you blind cosmo??she is young and beautiful,and to Rob,..she is incredible and the most beautiful woman and the only one he's in love with..I totally agree w/ @Iluvthemovies putting any articles about Rob and Kristen on the mags is a sure way to get a hit :)) hi to all favs:))
