Friday, August 20, 2010

Colton Haynes (Auditioned for Edward) Doesn't Hate Rob

Colton Haynes wants everyone to know that he doesn't hate Robert Pattinson. In fact, he's never even met R.Pattz.

Why would people think he has a problem with Rob? Well, because Mr. Haynes auditioned for a certain starring role in Twilight…

Soon after Haynes started getting press for his work as a werewolf on ABC's Sunday-night vampire series The Gates, word got out that the 22-year-old former Abercrombie & Fitch model had read for the part of Edward Cullen.

"It's funny because I auditioned for it but it's not like it came down to me and Rob," Haynes told me earlier today. "But the headlines are 'Colton Hates Robert Pattinson!' or 'Colton On Hating Robert Pattinson.' I'm like, Are you kidding me? I don't even know him. It's more like, Congrats to him. He has a career that's going to last forever."

Full article at E!Online


  1. Iam glad he not get part as edward. Maybe I will not bother to watched the movie LOL.
    Not hate him, just not my type :)

  2. He got a new show to promote, right? WTF, they should work their arrzz for it. Why do they have to use Rob all the time? Is Rob a launcher pad or something?

  3. who is this guy? everybody is using robert's name to get attention.

  4. the thought of rob not getting the part of edward sends shivers up my spine.

  5. @Yaelfica, @mujhiko_mujhiko, @rose, ditto, ITA. Why must we now be subjected to all these wannabes who tried out for Edward in Twilight. I watched The Gates when it premiered, I did not like it. Too much saturation regarding vampires.
    Thats what happens when a phenom like Twilight is released, it makes millions and now everyone wants to capitalize on it. It is sacralegious in my opinion. Only a few will make the grade and I think it is Twilight, True Blood, and Vampire Diaries, everything else pales next to them.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Who the hell is this guy?Does his mother know him?Leave Rob alone,mister.There was no chance for you to be Edwaed.You're too ugly!lol

  8. @benhant, he is another guy from the 3000, whom Rob beated for Edward. So many, who will use his name get attention.

  9. Is it just me or does he look eerily like Corey Haim???

  10. @kassiecullen, i meant yes, he looks like corey haim...not yes, it's just you. :)
