Monday, February 16, 2015

New Rob Interview With ZDF (Dubbed) - Life Press Junket

Youtube or watch at the source


The video includes clips from the Red Carpet, the press conference and an interview with Anton Corbijn and Rob, unfortunately all dubbed. At 01:40 Rob says (as far as we can hear): "Especially when you are being photographed a lot, you want people not to see anything of you. It is difficult to decide what to reveal. I would never (as Dean) let anyone in my childhood home, never!"

via | Translation source | Thanks Sanni K. for the correction 


  1. Correction: he would never, as Dean, let a photographer in his childhood home, never

  2. yeah right, I don't hear Rob but the german dubbed voice definitive said i would never ever (like Dean) let a photographer in my childhood home.
    Thanks for the video.

  3. @Sanni, thank you. That actually makes more sense in the context because James Dean did not have children but Dennis Stock went with him to his childhood home in Indiana.
