Monday, November 10, 2014

New Pictures of Rob in New York, November 10


  1. Back to his Harmony coat. Blues look good!

  2. He looks like a million dollars! Thx ladies!

  3. He looks gorgeous, just gorgeous. Love Rob in blue.

  4. I have come to this site for a long time, and never left a comment.

    I can't just be silent now though.
    He does not look good. Has not looked good since the end of August.

    Each time we get pics he looks worse and worse. I don't see how you ladies cannot see this.
    Red rimmed eyes, dead looking eyes. No sparkle there. Too thin.

    I'm sorry, but something very wrong is going on here. Please don't call me a troll, I have no agenda, but the man is not looking good right now.
    He looks like a lil boy lost to me.

    The pap ops (and yes they were, don't be naive please) the pap ops with Twigs are not a couple in love. It's a means to an end for her PR. We can debate that til the cows come home, but the writing is on the wall with that.

    I'm so sorry to see him like this. Truly I am.

    1. I've been on here for a long time, too. Sometimes just "listening" to each one that "has his life and his love life all figured out. I have to laugh when I read those posts, but goofy and gus, I agree with you totally. We all have seen the posts and pics from the last few days ... I thought he never was going to change clothes!!! I mean it's ok to dress down when he's not doing a promo or attending a gala somewhere, but I was a little more than bothered by this. This whole thing just doesn't look good to me. Truly, it's none of my business or anyone's, but as a "fan", I'm concerned. 😏

  5. I agree with Goofy and Gus..... He has red eyes and the haircut has not helped. His eyes are dead and he has NOT looked happy for a while now.
    I know you all want him to look happy but even though he is smiling in some of the never reached his eyes.
    I hate seeing him like this and hope to see a different Rob Pattinson Friday night at the Award s ceremony!

  6. Love Rob's new home he bough in Hollywood Hills. It is beautiful and looks lime him, nothing elaborate just homey and cozy. Perfect love nest when he is in LA, or bachelor pad. He looks so good out today. Very clean cut.

  7. Morro de rir com os comentários. Olhos vermelhos e tristes, corte de cabelo ruim. Só esqueceram de observar que ele está de óculos e de boné nas fts!! Adoram achar drama onde não tem! Rob é um adulto em busca do que lhe faz feliz!! Nada o prende ali, a não ser sua própria vontade. Parem de inventar desculpas e aceitem ... Eles seguiram em frente.

  8. If you were truly fans of Robs, I would think there would be some concerns. He looks lost and regardless what you all say he is unhappy. Have you all seen these videos of Twigs. She is horrible and trashy acting. If this was Zac Efron, you would all be making fun of him. This is all so sad, I will pray for Rob

  9. Goofy and Gus and Victoria...FINALLY...I totally agree! Rob does not look right. He looks so lost and unhappy. People need to open their eyes and see the writing on the wall. Something is not right.

  10. You are all so right. If you look at photos from August, you can clearly see the difference. I am very worried, why doesn't his family say something.

  11. For God's sake. Rob is a 28 years old man that can take care of himself. Did you not see how happy he and Twigs were in Brussels and Paris. They weren't bothered there like they have been here. Rob hates the papps in his face and you know it. If all of you are so concerned about him, stop talking about him like he doesn't know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. Just be his fan and support his movies and stay out of his personal business. Respect his choice of whom he wants to be with and quit thinking there is going to be some kind of revelation Friday night. All of you, just grow up.
