Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New Picture of Rob at the Toronto airport, November 4th

At the Toronto airport

Arriving in New York


  1. So is he coming or going, wasn't he in NYC yesturday... Supposedly?

  2. Did he cut his hair and shave? I hope do, I didnt like his mustache!!

  3. Sweet Rob his only crime is working hard and supporting those close to him.

  4. I didn't like the mustache, but I miss his hair. Anyway, I like men with longer hair. But it's his head and hair :)

  5. ^^^^... Agree... ^.^...

    Sooooo... Changing topic:
    Is that Dean?... :}... I mean: airport tends to be attributed to be work if "Le bodyguard" is there... No??... :D... Or is it just me hoping... :P... I really like seeing Dean around, and Robert on set... ^.^... Love it!!...

  6. @Barbara, thank you and we'll said @Lucy.
    Margarita Lopez, I'm pretty sure it's Dean but I think it's them leaving Toronto. If I'm wrong anybody please correct that for me. Thanks

  7. wow,it's been forever since I've posted here but as of lately I've enjoyed reading all the comments; literally, all the comments. thanks for the laughs guys. Rob is happy, Kristen is happy all is well in the fandom. There are signs everywhere, don't speculate, if you are truly Rob/Kristen fans you'll get it. #Lifeisgood.
