Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Guy Pearce Keeps Saying Amazing Things About Rob - 2 New Interviews

From Yahoo Celebrity (Read the full interview at the source)
Q: How aware of Robert Pattinson were you before the film and how was it working with him?
PEARCE: I was very aware of his fame, and I had only seen him for Water for Elephants, which I really enjoyed, and I really enjoyed him in it. That head is just incredible really isn’t it? That face really. And the sensitivity, it’s a beautiful sensitivity. And when David mentioned that he was interested in him for the role, and I went, ‘Oh wow, okay,’ because I think the vulnerability was something that was really crucial for me as far as I was concerned. And I didn’t want it to be, not that I am a big brute of a guy, but I didn’t want it to be too equal; I wanted it to be obviously top heavy, so that people would feel sorry for him if I really took it out on him. And I wasn’t aware of how good he was going to be, to be honest. Not that I didn’t think he would be, but certainly, on that second day, when I was watching some stuff on the monitor, and he did that scene where he crawled out of the truck and he was sitting against the tree at the beginning and he had just been shot and watching the way he was sort of trying to work out how he was going to deal with this situation, I just found it heart-breaking. So it was a great moment for me, to be honest and it just got better and better as far as I was concerned. So, it was exciting because one, you forget about all the fame business and you concentrate on the work that you are doing, but just to kind of work with somebody who is really delivering is fabulous, it’s always been inspiring.

Q: Are you glad you never quite experienced that level of fame? There were years where you were
pretty well known... But it wasn’t that sort of thing. Are you glad you didn’t have to deal with that in your career?
Yeah, I haven’t had to deal with it. I would certainly enjoy the benefits that come with it, as far as being offered great roles all the time, and all that sort of stuff and I am sure that’s fabulous. But the sh*t you have got to deal with at the same time I reckon is pretty full on. It’s amazing how he deals with it.

Q: He seems very natural and easy-going.
PEARCE: Yeah, he’s funny and he has a good sense of humour, but I think it gets to him totally. But interestingly, and not that he actually says this, but he wants to prove himself as a good actor. All of us do, all of us want to be able to do good work and I think he sees that stuff, all that Twilight stuff, and goes blech, whatever.

From 20 Minutes (Read the full interview at the source)
20 minutes: And Robert Pattinson?
Guy Pearce:
I spent the time on set eating sand with him, it creates links! Seriously, I was amazed by his talent and sense of adventure. He doesn't hesitate to make himself look ugly and try things. It is not a only a lmovie star: he has the makings of a great actor.

Translation of 20Minutes interview

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