Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Updates of Rob's Future Projects

It's a busy time, not only Rob has two movies screening at Cannes (and lots of buzz about both), but news about his future projects are also coming out. Here's an update.

Olivier Assayas mentions that he will work with Rob in his next movie
As we posted here, the French director mentioned Rob in a couple of interviews published this week. Nothing else has been reported, but it was announced last year that 'Hubris' would be the director's next project. Is that the film where he will work with Rob? We'll have to wait and see, but here's a few more details about 'Hubris'

“Carlos” helmer Olivier Assayas is set to shoot his first film in the U.S. — “Hubris,” an action-packed crime thriller set against the backdrop of organized crime in Chicago in the 1970s.

Former MK2 exec Charles Gillibert (“On the Road”), who recently launched Paris-based CG Cinema, is partnering with Hollywood indie players Scott Stuber of Bluegrass Films, Alexandra Milchan’s Emjag Prods. and Scott Lambert’s Film 360 to produce “Hubris.” Frederique Dumas at Orange Studios is co-financing and co-developing the pic.

Inspired by an article by journo Hillel Levin, “Hubris” turns on a gang of thieves led by notorious mastermind John Mendell who rob a pawn shop only to discover it is a front for Chicago’s most brutal crime boss, Tony Accardo.

Assayas is writing the script.

Check the full article at Variety for more on 'Hubris'.

Director Brady Corbet talks about 'The Childhood of a Leader' (source)

Binoche also stars in Corbet’s The Childhood Of A Leader in late fall with Robert Pattinson and Tim Roth. For Sils Maria, his interaction with the actress created “this kind of meta thing that Olivier appreciates,” he says of his friend.

The WME-repeed Corbet tells me Childhood Of A Leader is about a little boy who relocates to France with his family in 1919. His father is a political advisor to Woodrow Wilson about seven months in the run up to the Treaty of Versailles. He calls it, “My version of a horror film. Instead of being possessed by a demon, the little boy is possessed by notions of the era.”

Director James Gray, currently promoting 'The Immigrant' talks about 'The Lost City of Z' (source)
The Lost City of Z (a period adventure film, concerning British surveyors looking for a city in the jungles of Brazil; Z was set up to be made with Brad Pitt back in 2004) appears to be ready to film (with Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Pattinson). Do you have a start date?
We’ll begin filming in January. I’m going to start prepping in September. It’s a very elaborate film and requires extensive prep. We’re going to shoot in two different countries. It’s going to be a very challenging, but hopefully rewarding shoot.

You’ve been close to making Z a few times, what type of film can we expect? Has it changed in scope over the past decade?
I want to ask the same question with each film, which is: what does it mean to be a human being? The Lost City of Z is almost set on two different planets – the jungle and Victorian England. What does it mean to be a civilized person? This to me is a profound question. What is progress? Is progress just economic growth? Or is it understanding what’s around us? Is it growth of emotional intelligence or GDP growth? How do we contemplate new and old ideas of humanity? That to me is what Z is about.

Director James Gray,  gives more details about 'The Lost City of Z' (source)
Pitt was once attached to “The Lost City of Z.” Is there a flavor you’re going for?
Hopefully when we go into the jungle to film the movie will find its own language. It’s an epic movie and it’s very much in the 60mm epic style. That’s what the starting point will be, but I have a feeling it will get a little more hallucinatory than that. I have huge hopes and dreams for it. Adapting the book is difficult because you have to decide what to keep and what to let go. The main character, here’s a guy who did everything he could to fit in, and in the end maybe he didn’t, but he discovered something amazing. And that’s what something that moves me very much. That’s the thing that attracts me.

Where is “Lost City Of Z” going to shoot?
That would shoot in the U.K., probably Belfast, and Colombia. That's got Benedict Cumberbatch who's perfectly cast. I've raised the money for that, and I've raised the money for that and I may go do that in January.

The jungle sequences in Colombia?
Probably Colombia because they have—the lead character, he was actually in Brazil and Bolivia, but you can't possibly shoot there. The infrastructure, there's no ... when I went down there there's nothing there. Even Werner Herzog shot in Peru. Whereas when I went to scout in Bolvia—I mean you couldn’t shoot there. So, it looks like Colombia is a real option because it's the correct vegetation, it's the Amazon, it's a jungle, it's also got mountains and it's got indigenous peoples who are correct for the movie. So it looks like it's going to be there and then the U.K. segment is tough because London has really nothing going for it that is correct in terms of 1905"

And a few tweets about 'Queen of the Desert'


  1. OH MY GOD!! greatest thing evrr to hear about new projects taking steps forward!!! and how much excitement are creating around! :'D

  2. Honestly speaking what kind of movies is Rob signing on. First everyone thought water for elephants will go for Oscars then Cosmopolis which doomed at the box office.
    Now queen of dessert or rover non will do will note down. Rob should stick to roles like remember me or Twilight he'll always do well as a romance hero. Don't know why he didn't consider doing "fifty shades of grey". Such popular book it would have given him more fame he's disappeared after Twilight non of his films r doing well.
    Don't take this comment negatively I am a Big Rob fan & want to see him do well.
