Friday, August 30, 2013

Dior Homme 'The Film' Official Teaser From Dior's Youtube Channel

Gifs and screencaps were posted HERE

From Dior's Official Youtube Channel

Discover on September 1st Dior Homme Fragrance film starring Robert Pattinson, directed by Romain Gavras.
Discover more exclusive contents on and on Twitter #DiorRob.


  1. The teasers are beautiful !!!!!! Rob is stunningly handsome !

  2. Waiting for him to put all this baby stuff behind him and so proud to smile for him that he has put on his man shoes and is walking his big steps in Hollywoood without a teen or tween or Twilight Mom backing him.

  3. I am enjoying these teasers and in my last comment on the last post, I thought the snippet they showed us was the whole ad and it turned out it was just a small portion of it. I am thrilled about that because Rob does look stunning in this video and I do hope it promotes women to purchase this cologne for their significant others and men to also give it a try.
