Saturday, June 15, 2013

Meghan Markle From 'Suits' Talks About Working With Rob in 'Remember Me'

Meghan Markle from Suits talked about working with Rob in Remember Me

HWP: Your latest film was Remember Me with Robert Pattinson. What was like working with him?
MM: Oh, he’s such a sweetheart. I filmed some scenes in New York with him for a small part. He’s a really lovely guy and a really great example to be able to watch someone who is young, who’s stardom has really taken over his live in such a huge way, and yet he’s still gracious, humble and cool. I think that is really endearing.

source | thanks to Deb


  1. Havent got much to add to that except awwww

  2. Like I've said before God must have had lots of time on hand to create such an all around wonderful person. We the RPlifers love you and proud of you. Keep up the good work and all ways be true to yourself
