Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kristen Talks About Filming Twilight and New Moon With Rob

Click on the scans to read. She talks about Rob on the "Twilight's Prom", "New Moon Reunion" and "Truck Stop" parts

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  1. Before other people land here to pitch a fit. This is part of Rob's life too. And I applaud RP Life for posting this and I appreciate it.

  2. even if the trolls decide to piss everyone off, she mentions Rob in the entire article so they can jump off a cliff. Thanks for posting.

  3. I luv that they luv that scene with the truck and Rob jumping out of it. It is my top five scenes in the whole Twilight Saga.

  4. my fav scene the prom heartbreaking

  5. This is news pertaining to his career, why wouldn't it be posted? Fans of his shouldn't have a fit over this.

  6. So that explains the crying during the commercial break on the Jimmy Kimmel (?) show promoting "Eclipse." She was tearing up as the prom scene was being shown on the monitors. Awww. The clip has been on YouTube or Hulu, although I'm not sure if it's still there.

  7. I want to add how that clip pertains to Rob: He was being sweet and reminding her to clear up the tears before the commercial break was over.
