Sunday, March 24, 2013

David Michôd Mentions Rob and The Rover in Who Magazine

With his buzz cut, bloodied face and bad teeth, Robert Pattinson's latest style is a far cry from his Twilight character Edward Cullen.

The change is for new Australian film The Rover, which Pattinson, 26, is filming in South Australia. "He's very smart," director David Michôd told WHO, adding that it's a long way from Hollywood. "It's been one of the beaut experiences - to roam around and breath fresh air, but the flies are driving him crazy."



  1. I've read a few interviews where directors etc have commented on how smart rob is. I think we are going to see even more great things from him.

  2. Okay Rob that is now two Davids that think you are smart. David C and David M. I think its safe for you to accept the fact that you're smart and talented or wouldn't have been working with these men.
    You are making such great a daring choices in mapping your career. And I'm exceptionally proud to be you fan!

  3. I think someone from The goblet of fire said it too, just can't remember who.
