Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Stills + Old Ones Now in HQ

ETA: Added HQ scans of the new 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' Stills from People - Thanks @FeistyAngel34 
ETA: New Edward/Bella/Renesmee still
ETA2: Better quality scan thanks to @epnebelle



  1. Count me in if Rob's in the movie! I am watching this movie only because of Rob, and pride of if!!!!

  2. What! Where have you been living under a rock? Of coarse Rob is in it! This is Breaking Dawn the fifth movie of the Twilight books!

  3. I don't think people are interested in this movie anymore I mean the hype has come down, especially after Eclipse the movies have not lived unto there expectations. Well Summit will defiantly make there money on BD part 2 thats what they are interested in especially after Twilight did well. Even there way of promoting the film has gone down Rob and Kristen have become big and no more interested in promoting it to the full. Instead of Edward and Bella we find Bella and Jacob promoting together more. I get damn irritated.

  4. Except that's all not true, Tarika. Rob and Kristen are going to promote and visit several cities, including stops in the US & Europe. Then Rob will head to Sydney, Australia while Kristen goes to Japan.

    Also, advanced sales of BD2 have already outstripped BD1 [and all predecessors]... you may say it's only to make money, but who is spending it besides interested fans who are eager to see the finale...

    I'm not pouncing on you personally, but your post is misleading.

    I say enjoy the last movie as much as possible. Whether you're a big fan of Twilight or not, Rob is proud of the work he put into the entire series and hopes the fans love the last one as well.

  5. I think he is happy because he was performing with Kristen, but this is just me I have always felt Twilight the Saga was not what he thought was a proud moment. You can tell the difference between him promoting Cosmopolis to the Twilight Saga. I do believe he liked the first two movies the best but after that, he seems ok with it but he is not gushing like does when he promoted Cosmopolis. He in his own words said he would have never read this book if he did not get the part. He is a very eclectic reader and I do not see this in his personal library. I think he is very grateful to Kristen and Catherine for landing the part, that I do agree he is grateful to them and should be. I am fan of the first Twilight movie, everything else for me personally was a natural disaster. After the first movie the love story was completely devoid of emotion than the first one that had it simmering right on the brink of all possibilities. Then there is Jacob who is really pointless to their storyline. So many things that could have been done to this saga other than a third wheel. Stepehnie could have explored the human and vampire world more, she could have shown Edward how he would be right on the cusp of just killing her and then falling to his knees to stop himself from going further. The Volturi's role in their relationship, other nomadic vampires being explored, but no we got werewolves and imprinting. I do harbor a bit of hostility towards SM because she started with an incredible book and it went downhill from there. It is her book, but I as a reader felt deeply disappointed in what could have been a sensational saga. It had great beginnings. However, that does not deter my great admiration for Rob, because even before Twilight made him a global superstar, I had admired him in several projects he had done prior to Twilight. He is one handsome and charismatic guy. Yes the movie will make money it has it's automatic fanbase, but I feel Rob's admiration of the film is due to Kristen, not the storyline.

  6. Hey I perfectly agree with you "iluvthemovies" that's exactly the point I am trying to put thru. Non of the other sequels of themovies after Twilight the first one have lived upto the mark. Twilight began with Edward and Bella and there undying love for each other which Stephanie totally ruined it by giving too importance to Jacob. Fine she introduced a third wheel as he was important in New Moon but later in Eclipse she should have brought Edward and Bellas love story back rather than showing a Triangle. By the way my remark was not towards Rob it was just that he has shown a little less interest in promoting the other three movies. Besides the movies this love triangle was strenched beyond the books like for eg " Bella leaving Edward and just riding of with Jake" in Eclipse she would never do something like that.
    My anger is why is Jacob still given importance, the posters still have Bella in-between Jacob and Edward. Can't we just have Edward and Bella (rob and Kristen) alone promoting some of the events like for Twilight.
    And obviously I don't have a doubt that BD2 will not make money of course it will Twilight has a big fan following.

  7. @ILuvthemovies......thank you v much. You are absolutely correct! Thanks

  8. @Tarika.... Like your second post. Thank you also. You are both right in regards to the Jacob part and everything else.
    Thanks to both of you.

  9. @Tarika, I apologize, having a bad day, my sinus' are acting up. I meant to put an @mark in front of your name. I did agree with you. I 1redsock was trying to clarify more of what you had mentioned in your comment, so I was specifically targeting her comment while supporting your comment. I know totally confusing, damn sinus problem. I just disagreed as far as Rob being proud of what he has done in Twilight, I am certain he is satisfied, but I do believe he is truly more devoted to Cosmopolis as far as an acting challenge. As I said it was aimed more at 1redrock more than towards you because I agreed on most of what you said and I did not mean to imply that you were against Rob, I just like to let people know it is my viewpoint and I harbor no ill will to anyone who has a differing opinion. Thank you No Name for you comment as well. Again my apologies for not being more specific.

  10. I think Kristen was right when asked about the phenomenon of Twilight. Everyone loved the books and Rob in the first movie. Then it was the camaraderie and good fellowship among the fans that made it happen.
    And if Rob's not mad at her anymore neither am I. Ha!

  11. Hey thank you guys special thanks to you "iluvthemovies" for supporting me. But this is what I have been generally feeling after New Moon (movie), they only promoted Jacob of course Jacob was impt in New Moon as Bellas good friend who helped her during that critical period, infact she stayed alive becoz of him. I also liked New Moon as a book as this story aims at showing that Edward being the way he is & his love for Bella made him leave. It was a test for Edward & Bella that they cannot live without each other. But Stephanie got carried away by Jacob so much that she changed this into a love triangle all together & the movies went one step ahead stretching the love triangle to a diff angle all together. I think it also had something to do with Taylor going shirtless showing his Abs. Eclipse was a total disaster and BD1 was just ok. Not expecting too much from BD 2 either. Jacob seems to be in all the posters still in-between Edward and Bella.
    Twilight saga is doing well only becoz of Rob (Edward).
    They were lucky to get the perfect Edward Cullen who
    was the most difficult to cast.
    As far as the imprinting part goes I have no comments on it at all, one of the biggest disasterious thing in the series.
    But at the end of the day we are all Twilight fans maybe so we are expecting a little more from the movies.

  12. Hi Tarika, luv your username btw, I have admired Rob before Twilight made him a superstar, and I admire both Catherine and Kristen for selecting Rob for the role of Edward. However, my thanks stops there. I do not dislike Stephenie Meyers, she seems to be a very nice person. I saw her in person twice last year, once at the Hand and Footprinting ceremony at Grauman's Mann's Theater and in Tent City when she passed out the BD book that was autographed by her. I chose to step aside and take pics and videos of my friends receiving the book from Stephenie. However, her writing after Twilight from my POV did not seem cohesive at all. Yes New Moon would have been even more incredible had it ended with just Bella and Edward parting ways after Charlie called her into the house. However, it turned into something creepy and idiotic to me personally. I know so many more love it, but then BD came around and I could only read the 1st 80 pages. I finally stomached the rest and thought with three boys perhaps she did not receive enough sleep to make this story so incohesive. Anyway, I am not going to go on anymore about it. It is done and at least we have Twilight. Rob will always be more than Edward Cullen, I love him as Tyler in Remember Me, Cedric in HP and the Goblet of Fire, Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, Art in How to Be, Daniel in the Bad Mother's Handbook, Jacob in Water for Elephants and now Eric Packer in Cosmopolis. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see him in his future projects, especially The Rover. I loved the Animal Kingdom with Jacki Weaver who was nominated for Supporting Actress and Guy "LA Confidential" Pearce. I want to see his trifecta of movies that he will be filming next year.

  13. they look good together.

    lee shin

  14. i got to know rob when i watch his movie twilight and become one of his fan.
