Friday, October 26, 2012

New 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' TV Spot - New Scenes - Edward and Bella in the cottage

Youtube or watch at the source


  1. aww..This is the best trailer so far..IMO...this is the main story..Edward and Bella's Lovestory..I love all those kisses<333..and Robward's beautiful..not long now..I'm going to see it on 16th November and of course several more viewings after!!Hi to the favs:-)

  2. This is the first part of the saga, when I didn't watch any trailer. Of course I will go to watch the film, but... I don't really know if I wanted to watch a fictional story, like this, what they made from a stupid storyline .... If they made it in one film that would be enough. And I really don't want to watch Bella... not because the scandal, but because I never loved Bella... and this film is all about her, and her 'strong', and about Edward weakness.

  3. Hi twilightnan, I think this is the most romantic of the clips and yes, Leafpool, Jacob is a shipper, I wish they would have rid us of him altogether two stories ago, oh well, you can't have everything. Twmmy, I agree they really emasculate Edward and yet I think he is the most interesting of characters as well as some of the other minor players. I wish the author had expanded more on their storylines instead of the wolves, but that is just my opinion.

    1. I think that is the main reason why so much fanfic. SM did a shitty job with Edward character and everyone is righting injustice with ff. Look at popularity of lolashoes trilogy. That's what everyone wanted. And, she mAde it seem like Bella didn't have a choice in choosing Edward in NM. I think she thought since she fell in love with Jacob and wolves so would everybody else. She probably had a whole series planned around them and now she realises no and gives a shit about them! Jmo lol!

    2. I think that is the main reason why so much fanfic. SM did a shitty job with Edward character and everyone is righting injustice with ff. Look at popularity of lolashoes trilogy. That's what everyone wanted. And, she mAde it seem like Bella didn't have a choice in choosing Edward in NM. I think she thought since she fell in love with Jacob and wolves so would everybody else. She probably had a whole series planned around them and now she realises no and gives a shit about them! Jmo lol!
