Monday, August 13, 2012

Rob talks about Cosmopolis with MTV

All pictures from the premiere are in this post (we keep updating with more HQs)

MTV | Dailymotion thanks to @veronicaspuffy


  1. Love Rob and Josh, such a

  2. Just watched the Daily Show was funny..Jon didn't ignore "the elephant in the room"...but he didn't ask any real direct questions about it..there was ice cream and jokes and talk of the was awesome!!!

  3. I did, too, men don't get over being betrayed so publicly overnight or ever, really. He'll always hold it against her, she proved herself to be someone he couldn't even recognize. Whatever his feeling were, she stomped all over them. Wearing his clothes while she cheated on him was probably more than he could take, and those pictures will forever be burned into his brain.

    The people who think they're going to get back together are just delusional. He's hurt but he's moving on. Good thing he has so many films lined up to work on, he'll be traveling and have plenty to keep him busy. And he's such a professional, facing the press at a time this with such grace and poise. Makes you proud to be fan of his. He's class from head to toe.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am even more of a fan of his now after seeing his courage and what a great person he is. People's true colors come through when facing difficult times and he shows that he is a class act.

  6. Love Josh interview's with Rob!

  7. I love you Rob :***
