Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Win a meet and greet with Rob and David Cronenberg

The rules:

- You can only enter the contest once.

- The game is open to every adult french resident (inhabitants from Corsica included).

- It runs from April 25th to May 8th, midnight (Paris time)

- All you have to do to enter the contest is to go to this PAGE and answer a question correctly so you can be eligible for the draw.
The question is: What are the names of the three French actors playing in the movie?
-Juliette Binoche & Matthieu Amalric?
-Sandrine Kiberlain & Vincent Cassel?
-Julie Delpy & Nicolas Duvauchelle?

ETA: their rules are a bit confusing but from what I understood, there are 3 partners to this game (Cinéma Gaumont, Wat.TV and Purefans).
One will offer a trip to Cannes, with everything payed for (transportation and hotel), and a ticket to go to the screening and the party of the movie.
The other partners offer a meet and greet with Rob and David in Paris. Only eligible if you CAN go to the meeting

All the winners have to accept to be filmed in Cannes or in Paris. The images could be used on TV or on the internet.

The answer can be found in the trailer.

50 other names will be drawn and win the soudntrack of the movie.

The winners will be contated by email on May 18th and May 19th. They have to reply before May 21st.

source | via


  1. Not fair, dagnabit. Good luck to the all those who enter from France, very lucky people.

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    Ionic Cleanse
    How come his body become buff and filled then become normal again. I wish I can lose my pound like rob does.

    Anyway lovely couple. I like them when they dressed normal like us. It makes us see them a very low profile artists not like some of other artists who always have to look perfect

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