Friday, November 4, 2011

Rob new interview with Hot Press

With the first part of the final Twilight instalment hitting our cinemas this month, we caught up with Robert Pattinson to see how he was feeling now that Edward Cullen will no longer be a part of his life….

Are you sad that it’s all over now?
I don’t know yet. I feel like I have been in a whirlwind for so long that I don’t really know. I feel like I have been doing it for years constantly, even though I have done other movies in between, because whenever you do and promote or talk about another movie, you’re always talking about Twilight, so it is kind of constant. But I don’t know. Maybe in a year or so. I know when the last one has come out, it will be, but I know right now I have another year of basically doing Twilight stuff.

Do you look forward to the hype all being over and you can get back to doing other things?
Yeah, but it’s always a good thing to have a bit of hype, especially nowadays. But I don’t know. I will be interested to see how people perceive me in a couple of years, because it seems as though people have been talking about the same stuff about me for about three years now, so I am wondering how long that will go on for. But I don’t really know how to predict anything.

How did you prepare for Edward and Bella becoming parents in this film? Did you draw on anything from your own childhood?
Not really. No-one really knows how to be a father when you first begin – there’s no way to prepare for it. And it’s very easy to react to holding a baby, especially when the baby is looking like a newborn and you have just delivered it – it’s very simple, as it’s just crying in your hands, so you end up being very careful with it and stuff. But it is strange when Mackenzie (Foy) starts playing Renesmee, as you suddenly have to think, “My daughter is now 11. It’s two months after she is born and she can speak.” So that was a complicated thing to play. But it’s a fantasy movie, so I guess you just go along with it. It is the ultimate fantasty, I guess, to some people, that you can avoid all the annoying parts of having a kid, if they’re already fending for themselves. It’s like having a puppy. Just leave it alone and thank you very much.

Trust me, it’s nothing like having a puppy.
That’s what I keep saying in other interviews that, “It’s just like raising a dog, it’s the same thing, you’ve just got to leave it alone and tell it to go to the toilet outside.”

The fourth book is very different from the others, especially with the sex scenes – the first three books are very chaste. How was that to film?
It’s funny when people talk about the sex scenes in the book, because there aren’t actually any sex scenes in the book, it’s all people’s imagination. So when they think, “Oh, this is so hardcore,” it actually almost fades to black every single time, and it just shows little bits of the aftermath.
Really, the book is the best example of how to keep something censored but still be erotic or whatever, because you are playing totally on people’s imaginations. Like the thing with the feathers, they don’t mention anything apart from the fact that there are feathers afterwards, but that’s why all the Twilight fans are so fixated on the feathers: “They’ve got to show the feathers in the movie!” It’s all their imagination, all their fantasies about the story are based on that one image, but the whole sex scene is totally in their own heads.
I guess that’s the only scary thing about doing it in the movie, because you have to show something, you can’t fade to black – if you did a fade to black in the movie, people would go insane. I don’t know, it’s strange, trying to do anything that’s a singular event that everyone is expecting, but at the end of the day, with sex, watching some other people have sex is never going to be that spectacular – hopefully it will be kind of good. It’s a strange thing when there is so much hype about it, so that you’re like, “God I hope this lives up to it.”

So are you a little nervous about the reception of this film?
I definitely am. I like it when you get to the end of the series… when the book came out, I was like, “Wow, she really broke the whole box! She’s not even thinking outside the box any more.” She went all out in the last one. It’s such an incredibly bizarre storyline and it all kind of works as well. It was really brave. It’s nice to have something where each one of the movies beforehand, they follow a vaguely similar pattern and this one is just, “Huh?” It’s almost a different genre of movie. So hopefully it will be interesting. And Bill (Condon) is a very different director as well.

That has come hand-in-hand with your fame, but what is the best thing that fame has brought you?
You just get to go down a completely different road. I am living a life that I never really knew existed. You can delay being an adult for quite a while. But it’s fun. You get to meet really interesting people, and there are very few jobs where almost everyone in the industry loves their job, and it’s nice to go to work every day when people are really excited about it and think they are making something great.

In hindsight, what do you think the importance or the value of the Twilight franchise will be, looking back at it? What has it brought to our society, as it is so influential to the youth?
I think anything that gets young people reading is one thing that is pretty important. That was the same thing when I did Harry Potter: it’s kind of amazing, but Harry Potter completely changed everything. I don’t remember kids talking about books, and the young adult genre was so much smaller before Harry Potter, and things like Twilight and Harry Potter just exploded. And also, in terms of the movies, doing things for a female audience – that changed things as well.
I don’t think it has really changed things yet, but it made people in the industry aware that women – just solely women – are a legitimate audience for movies, which in a strange sort of way, is good for guys as well, because I think the industry got convinced that the only people who go to the cinema were teenage boys, so every single movie that came out was directed towards them, but if you start making movies for women, it will eventually dissipate into just making dramas again – just non-action movies – because people think they are girly movies, and they are the movies that I like!


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