Friday, July 22, 2011

Bel Ami Trailer!

Thanks to RobstenLovex


  1. OMG!!!This is Amazing!!!I'm's just like a jaw dropping experience it looks good!! looks like Rob is really Flexing those acting muscles..this is brilliant right bang in the middle of Comic-Con excitement!!..this is looking like another winner for ROB!!hi Favs..I can just see Iluvthemovies tongue hitting the floor hahaha!!

  2. Great Balls of Fire...this definitely takes the sting out of not seeing that honeymoon scene at comic con. Why is this taking so long to be released, he looks absolutely droolable.

  3. if the film is half as good as the book then it is gonna be cool

  4. Holy F. I am looking so forward to this one. So psyched the trailer was finally released!

  5. EXCELLENT!! Theme from "Cold Case", love that music.

    Ok, THAT'S my boy, right there!! *points* THAT! Robert Pattinson was born for roles/characters such as this. Georges Duroy, Salvador Dali, Jacob Jackowski...he is a natural, dramatic 'period' actor. He can step into the past, and embody a character so convincingly, and delishishly (yes, my word) it immediately endears you to him, so that you hate him, or love him, or both!

    He does a great job in the twilight films, I am team Edward, but is characters, and films like "Bel Ami" where he really shines, and where his career will thrive. I cannot wait to see "Bel Ami", and even more so now, "Cosmopolous"

  6. Twitter reaction to this teaser was beyond hilarious! I am SO looking forward to this movie. It looks damn good! Rob's acting = stellar performance. This movie is gonna kill me. :)

  7. OMG!!. i'm waiting very excited for this movie.. he looks amazing and the other characters are phenomenal

  8. This movie may be the death of me! It looks fantastic and i hope a release date is announced soon! This may be one of Rob's best performances yet???

  9. This little movie could be the dark hourse at the awards. Rob looks excellent.

  10. @Calihi27 yes, lol...twitter has been hilarious! the comments had me crying at work.

  11. @joanb102001..I love your excellent comments:) very true totally agree with you!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. just watched it again... Holy Shit!

  14. oh Lord all mighty!

    Bebe Shikito has done it this time!!!
    finally some resemblance to Dali!! Rob is back!!! :D

    @joanb102001 ITA girl!!!

    hi FAVS!!! glad u r all still alive!!!
    come to hell when u can ladies :)

  15. OMG!! Rob is the best actor ever!!!
    I'm dead! I can't wait to see this movie, when it's going to be on???

  16. LOL Nicole XD

    Thank ye, ladies. And, bless who is responsible for the screencaps, which now make my desktop all the more...Bel Ami like. =P

    Goosebumps, all over again.

  17. one of my favourite books. really hope they made a good movie-otherwise will be very disappointing
