Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Video of Rob filming Cosmopolis last night - June 28

The video showes the whole scene. SPOILER alert.

To see all pictures from the night click here

Source | Source/Via


  1. Those girls, I wanted to shout at them to shut-up. Someone finally shushed them. Jeez, some of these fans don't understand that sound can carry on a film set or location. It was nice seeing Rob kick someone where it counts. Love it.

  2. Hi! there my Fav friend @Iluvthemovies!!it's nice to read your comments ,ITA with you..I was also wondering how do they get away with this filming and those flashes..are those paps taking pics??I thought flashes were not allowed as it affects the actual filming?..oh, well it is great to see Rob about that kick!!Wow!..he looks amazing despite him beeing covered in ..looks like custard pie!hi to my other mates here on RPL..@Yaelfica,@JA,@Twilola,Mrs.Deen..

  3. hi ladies! the paps are supposed to be there ;)

  4. the new video is great! he practically knocks him over with that pie! ha!

  5. hi JA!..ITA,the new video is great!..I understand now that the paps are supposed to be there in that looks exciting to see Rob running, jumping and getting hit on the face with a pie,..Torval his BG on the film looks great lifting that guy off his feet lol!!
