Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rob in Glamour's "Stars All Grown Up"

Robert Pattinson, 2005

Awkward, gangly and in need of a Hollywood polish, R-Patz BT (Before Twilight) was yet to secure his place upon a million teen’s bedroom walls (and the GLAMOUR.COM office walls, for that matter).

Robert Pattinson All Grown Up

Now we’re talking! A well-cut suit, a little hair gel, a spot of manly stubble…be still our beating hearts.

See the rest at Glamour.com



  1. What a difference a few years make...you could see the potential oozing out of him to be more than the pic in 2005 and yet he has maintained that shy awkwardness that we call adorkable and still be so damn hot. Best dressed male at the Golden Globes, Brad Pitt, and then Armie Hammer follow. Rob made a distinct mark at that event in that midnight blue Gucci Tux. You have come a long ways baby.

  2. Hi! Iluvthemovies,..Yes,..he has come a long way indeed!..Rob bought that velvet Red jacket from a second hand shop in London.,I read in one of his interviews...now as you said..look at him in that gorgeous midnight blue Gucci suit..so mersmerising!..and a Global Superstar!!hi to the favs!

  3. I love the comparison of the two photos. I have see pics from the HP premier with that red velvet jacket, that I swear he wore in Bad Mothers Handbook. He looks so adorkable in the first photo and beyond perfection in Gucci at the Golden Globes.

  4. @JLC, yes! i thought the same thing, that it was the same jacket. and i much prefer the hobo look to the velvet/pleather look.
