Thursday, December 2, 2010

NEW Video of Rob and Kristen filming the beach kissing scene in Brazil

source | Youtube


  1. OMG!!Is it a welcome back RPL??..It's amazing it's like coming home!!I missed you!..and this video of Rob and Kristen as Edward and Bella is smoking HOTttt!!I love it..I can't help but press the replay butto over and over again several times..HOT>>>HOT>>>HOT>>>!!

  2. This scene is smoking...just imagine when we see it onscreen when there is sound to accompany it. I will be out for the count. They are just too hot.

  3. I'm so happy to see you girls are back on! I kept coming back to see if you were back on. The only other comment I ever left on this blog was when you shut it down. But I checked your blog numerous times a day and it was my number 1 place to get Rob/Robsten/Twi-news. Now that the blog is back up I will be checking numerous times again daily. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR RETURN, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

  4. I can't wait for Movie Edward! So much time, so much time....oh look, Rob's muscles :P

  5. So i came back from rehab (unfortunately i was forced, long story, too bad for words;), I only hope that dearest Favs will forgive me 3 and a half month of silence,wink wink;)
    Now i know if my kid ever ask me:- Mommy ,Where does Santa live?, I will answer without hesitation - where? In Brazil, baby, in Brazil;)

    HUGS to Twilightnan@Yaelfica,@Iluvthemovies,@JA@Mrs.Deen@Twilola


  6. Hello to @papagaj!Dear God!! we all missed need to explain..we are just happy you're alright now,..and Welcome back..and you have lots of catching up..and we are back in our fave blog site RPL..HUGS to you @papagaj...I'm so happy to read your comments after such a long break!!see you in messenger soon!
