Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Win a set visit to Breaking Dawn and help a great cause

Picture this: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and YOU hanging on the set of Breaking Dawn.

Sounds far-fetched, yes? Well, maybe not…

A set visit to Breaking Dawn is up for auction in eBay starting today at 4 p.m. PST. Proceeds benefit Stand Up to Cancer, the organization that works to speed up the research and approval of cancer treatments.

We can't guarantee you'll actually hang with R.Pattz & K.Stew, but the package includes travel accommodations to the Vancouver set. And how much for the opening bid? Just $100!

Full article at E! Online


  1. ...at least an oscar winner admits that she gets weak on the knees because she loves romance, loves Robsten, and loves twilight... She's very brave and very honest:)

  2. Well this should be intersting having two smokers Stand up to Cancer. Real interesting.
