Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rob's Photoshoot Outtake now in UHQ

This outtake was posted in HQ here

Now thanks to Maria from Robert Pattinson Australia we can enjoy the UHQ heaven :) Click for huge.


  1. Wow! a Big Thank you to Maria for this photo,..as ever Rob looks so hot and yummy..another pic that will make his Trizillion fans swooning especially all my favs..Kristen is a very lucky lady..she can cuddle this gorgeous young man anytime she wants..hahah;)

  2. yummy..hot..whatever..I am definitelly drolling all over my computer now..
    look at those hands..the fingers..
    oh Robert...!*SIGH*

  3. @twilightnan Yes you are quite right, Kristen is a very lucky lady but Rob is also a very lucky gentleman for having someone like Kris in his life. ITA that Rob looks so good especially when he gives his smouldering looks. Oh, joy!!!!!!
    Thanks to you and Iluvthemovies for the very warm welcome. I really like your favs sisterhood and the camaraderie that I feel from your comments to each other. Like you and your favs I am also completely and irrevocably bonkers over Rob and Kris. There is something I am very curious to find out from you and that is if you know what a lola means because you have said that you are a twilola too. Like you I have almost four grandkids who complete my life and bring me the greatest joy.
    Hope to see your posts at the other site as well. Regards to you and your favs.


  4. Thanks Twilola...I mean,@Jela..ITA w/u,Rob is a very lucky young man as well to have Kristen as his beau..she is as beautiful and talented as Rob ..and I'm over the moon about them being in love in real life:)..oh so u also noticed the favs 'sisterhood'..wow !I like that,yes ,isn't it amazing how the one special dominating factor that binds us Favs very close is our love and devotion to one young man called "Robert Pattinson":)yes I'm a lola too and have 3x young grandchildrens..they are keeping my hubby and I very busy as they are like tornadoes when they come to our house but we love them all to bits!!hugs to u and all my favs:)

  5. @twilightnan..hope you don't mind my asking but if you know what a lola is then you must be a Filipina or know of someone who is. If you are (I am), then that explains why we both admire our Rob so much....birds of the same feather....lol!! Looks like you have been a Rob fan way before me; I am what you would call a late bloomer and this Robsten drought is slowly killing me. I have just been watching fan vids (over and over)to get me through. Sigh!!!!! Cannot wait for BD filming to start so that R and K pics can start appearing again.
    Enjoy your time with your young lovies; I don't see my grandkids as often as I would like (work gets in the way!).
    Hugs back to you and to your favs.


  6. @Jela,Hi..you're spot on about us being birds of the same feathers flocking together..'us',filipina girls has excellent taste..no wonder we are both crazy and obsessed about Rob.he is a class act and a very unique and beautiful talented young man!..I was a late starter as well,didn't get into Twilight not until late 2009..my daughter who likes anything vampire persuaded me to watch twilight on tv..I was totally mersmerised by Rob and ..my life was never the same again..I was hooked and my obsession about him and anything Twilight doesn't seem to be deminishing at all..I'm the same as u I can't wait to see them together again and for filming of BD 1/2 to starts,..hugs to u and to all my favs:)

  7. so funny...Jela sounds like me in the beginning. I used to refer to myself as a "newborn", when the obsession was new and i breathed twilight and rob. i still do, i just have more control over it now, ha!
