Monday, September 27, 2010

Ed Westwick "People come up to me so many times and think I'm Robert Pattinson"

"I get people coming up to me so many times and think I'm Robert Pattinson and it's so bizarre and hilarious but it's good company to be in," he said.

When asked if he ever says he is Pattinson, the star replied: "No, I haven't! But maybe I will one day!"

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  1. I'm sleepy, but I've got to say this, those people must be blind in saying that he looks like Rob. He's nothing like Rob, and I haven't forgotten what he said about Kristen Stewart. This guy is a player.

  2. Really? Do people mistake him for Rob, I don't see how. Two completely different faces IMO and his accent is heavy, not dreamy like Rob's, yes I could be biased, but I don't think so. I would never mistake that Brit for Rob for all the tea in China and around the world.

  3. he looks like that child actor from the Goonies... i forget his name. Cory Mathews?? not our ROB!!!

  4. The guy is a professional liar (like KStew calls all actors!) and needs to use Rob Pattinson's name to get some publicity. The only thing he has in common with Rob is that he's human. And the only person who would mention his name and Rob's in the same sentence would be his agent - as in: "Too bad YOU're not Robery Pattinson! You could make me some money!".

  5. What ? Does. He. Think ??? I don't believe it. He dreams about i.

  6. he's crazy. i just laughed when I read this. and Ed should have some humility. He's basically saying that he believes he's hot. I *am* biased, but not blind.

    @nicole, yes he does resemble cory feldman

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  8. @JA, right Cory Feldman...where did i come up with Matthews?

  9. He doesn't look anything like Rob! I seriously doubt he has very
    many people coming up to him mistaking him for Rob. Plus, Rob's a gazillion times better looking. Keep dreaming Ed!

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  11. congratulations Rob!

    Rob is Best Dressed Brit 2010 by Glamour...

  12. @nicole, feldman..matthews, i knew what you meant :)

  13. Ed Westwick is delusional...he is suffering from 'Delusion of Grandeur'!!He needs a stat dose of reality checked!...westwick being mistaken as Robert pattinson?..I 'd say..only in his dreams!!

  14. I don't believe that AT ALL! What a crock. He doesn't even remotely look like Rob. He's just throwing his name out for attention.

  15. JA and Nicole - I also thought he resembled Cory Feldman and in NO WAY does he resemble Rob...maybe all they heard was the accent...or maybe they are just idiots.

  16. Oh, pleeease, Ed Westwick!! Get a grip of yourself!!
    @twilightnan.. How are you doing, lola? ITA with you that only in Ed's dreams can he mistaken for Rob. As I posted in the other site, there is only one Rob and none other. Some men may attempt to be like him but no one will ever come close. Missing you a lot, Rob. Can't wait for BD filming to start!!!


  17. People who are deaf, dumb and blind maybe. He is dillusional.

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  19. Here's an actual video of Ed being mistaken for Rob for you idiots

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