Thursday, September 16, 2010

'Breaking Dawn' Returns to Vancouver on January 11th

According to Production Weekly,

Filming (in Baton Rouge and Vancouver) is scheduled from November 1 - March 15

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  1. No England this christmas for Rob:((((

  2. I am very sure he'll go home for the holidays.

  3. Yes,..ITA w/u @MistyBlue..I'm sure as well..with Kristen,..I believe Rob likes to be somewhere cold at Christmas time,and what better place to be but at home in London with his family, and his girlfriend Kristen..It's Family Tradition!!hugs to all my favs:)

  4. Kristen and Rob will be together for five months. I bet they are on cloud nine.

  5. !)))) I'm sure, that roads of that areas will soon be full of these signs:

  6. @twilightnan, I hope he does get to go back home for the holidays. He always seems more relaxed while in London.

  7. If he didn't go home at his recent long holyday only for a few days, then he won't go home for a short time at christmas. As i heard he is in some struggle with his family.That's about drinking, about some friends who are trading him...My friend were in London, she spoke with Marcus's mother about everything,about Rob too. So, after it i'm afraid for Rob.

  8. @A Vilag Ura
    I am sorry to hear that. I hope it is not true, I am not doubting you but I would hate to hear he is having problems at home. They seem to be a very loving family. However some of us on this blog have questioned his drinking and friends. As I said I hope it is not true but thank you for sharing your comment.

  9. Yes , it is too hard to hear it, but my friend really spoke with Marcus"s mother after a concert, and she(the mother) said there were plans about Marcus making music with Rob, and Lizzy, and now Rob rather stayed in US, not speaking with his family, and drinks a lot again. I'm just scared. Hope he will say such that man who was,and we won't loose him

  10. @Iluvthemovies,Ita w/u..a lot of people would be devastated if this problem w/his family is my heart ..I hope it is not true ,it is such a depressing thoughts /issue ,after the elation of Rob/Kristen in Montreal 2010 ...I prefer to not to dwell on this kind of issue..we have to be positive for Rob and hope he is really having a wonderful time with Kristen!:)..hugs to my favs!!

  11. I really feel sad now reading the above messages - not coming to London because he has fallen out with his family, I hope this isn't true, don't want Rob to be sad.

  12. @jaycee,Hey! I feel the same way as you do but don't feel sad be ..positive..London is Rob's home may not be where his heart is at the moment,you know..wink..wink..but I'm positive he will come to London even for a short period over the 'xmas holidays to see his family..I'm sure Summit will give them a Cheer's Rob were are talking about;))Big Hugs to my Favs!!

  13. I think rob has a VERY good reason for staying in the US, right?? a little something called kstew. sorry, but at that age, love, (ahem), takes priority over everything.

  14. I don't think we should talk about stuff we don t' know for sure as it effects him.....I really think he is going to go home with Kristen before breaking dawn starts...he is waiting for her to finish her movies...Please let him enjoy his free days in which ever way he wants, we need to give him much more credit...He is a smart kid.

    Love you all and hugs to my favs.

  15. Oh please, Rob does not have a drinking problem and I highly doubt that he had a falling out with his family, especially since they were ALL here in June for the Eclipse Premiere (looking very happy and proud at the Premiere and After Party). They even attended some of Rob's talk show rounds. The only reason Rob is still in the USA is because his girl and his work is here, no other reason. So please stop spreading lies around the internet.

  16. @cutiestar, i didn't say lies, i said only, what my friend heard form Marcus's mother. If she lied then we too. And ok, i shut up, but i'm not a lier.

  17. I heard rumours that the Isle of Wight last year, which does involve Rob, that Nettie and Maddie?...Or some M name, hates Kristen. So there were problems with last New Years. I heard it through twitter, and this tweet person who deals with Kristen news, said it was reliable and from this site, which I wasn't accepted onto, - a livejournal one, who knows bits about the brit pack.

    I do agree though, that love is priority. His girlfriend, Kristen xD seems to be his main priority. He didn't go to his Mom's Birthday, he went to Montreal instead. That is something. And well yeah it could be very well rumours on here, to do with his family and him having problems. We'll see who's right.

  18. I am new here but I have been following everyone's comments for a while. I like Iluvthemovies, Twilightnan and Mrs Deen's levelheaded and sensible points of view. @Iluvthemovies, I echo your concern about the drinking but like Twilightnan and MrsDeen for Rob's sake I will only think positive thoughts about this. ITA with MrsDeen, Rob is a smart and grounded man who was raised well by his parents. We need to have faith and trust in his decisions.


  19. Welcome, Jela, we hope to see u comment more on the blog. Yes my two grounded Favs have always been turn the other cheek, which is a good rule of thumb, I am going to think positive on Rob, but I am also hoping he keeps focused on his career in films. I am not going to be a person with rose colored glasses on either, I want the best for him, but I express it differently than my Favs, but they know I only want the best for Rob.

  20. @ Jela,Hi! a warm welcome from me to u as well,it's great for u to the saying goes the more the merrier..Iluvthemovies comments are very meaningful and interesting to read..she is not afraid to express her points of views even if it's the opposite to yours and I like her for that,I wouldn't want to be Melissa rossenberg if she has to sit opposite Iluvthemovies ..grilling her about BD screenplay..hahah ..well that's only IMO...still working on her to see BD 2 in 2012..I think I'm getting there...hahah..bye and hugs to u and all my favs:)..I'm a Twilola as well.
