Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teen Choice Awards - All Rob Parts

Rob stretching, clapping, looking bored... And his awards

schnuffel1990 at Pattinsonlife


  1. @iluvthemovies can you repost the Biel video..i've looked everywhere for it...twice. i know, i'm a perv.

  2. thanks for this vid with only Rob.
    Rob looked a bit bored and sleepy.

  3. thank u for posting this vid and not make me to watch all boring things.
    Yeah Iam too old for this show..

  4. @Mandy i really appreciate that you posting this i needed it so badly.

    @JA ITA
    @iluvthemovies Please,please,pleeeease:)We would be SO grateful to see Biel's new video.He's like a drug to us.

    xx to Favs and U all

  5. Hi JA,
    If you are a perv what does that make me pervyer...as I said I would not even have known about this if someone else did not mention it, because I had seen it before, but they said to focus on a particular part of the video and I did and the rest is history. Pause it at 1:26, you tell me if that is a cellphone, shadows, or the way his trouser leans against him.


    I luv Biel's videos they are so well made, that woman needs to be in the film industry. Because I feel we, specifically me, are addicted to this site, I put this Biel video for good measure:


    Here is my favorite from Biel:

    I hope you enjoy them.

  6. lluvthemovies, I have watched all of Biel's videos before many times...She is great ....I just focused on what you said....not sure...what I see...mmmm...just confused...

    Love you all

  7. Mandy, Papagaj is right...thank you for posting this....TCA was so boring.....we can just see him here...

  8. He actually looked really angry when Kristen didn't win for Dramatic Actress

  9. @iluvthemovies...pervyer, lol! oh, THAT video! i love this one. ummm, not a phone. i too noticed this when i first saw this video. does that make me perviest?

  10. I waited all night to hear Rob talk. I wish he had time to say more.

  11. Tell me about it Thomas.. I waited too.. but you know he is kind of shy and don't speak too much on these kind of functions..

  12. @JA, papagaj, and Mrs. Deen,

    I think we are all a bit pervy, at our age obssessing over this young man. With that said, don't they say that 40 is the new 20, so technically we are either younger than him or a bit older. Now I feel completely at ease to objectify him in that video. I mean really the only reason I am going to see the first part of BD is that wedding and of course the honeymoon and see how that body has transformed. I can just imagine him in the water and slo-mo with him walking out of the room into that balmy night, removing his shirt and all the girls and women doing a collective "Awwwww". Enough said.

    It is bedtime, to my Favs, I will not be here all day tomorrow, I have some major errands to run, but I will be back later that evening and check what is going on and how much fun all of you are having. Hugs to all.

  13. ummm i think i see what you see...who knows, the original pic could be PSed. We will never know and only dream it is real. HA!

  14. and to quote dany glover: rob is too old for this s*** hahaha i'm glad they won a lot but i was thinking that they'll be nominated for BD2 in 2013!!! and ROB will be 27 (O_O) by then...just saying...

    HI!! to all my favs!! i will definetly watch BIEL's other vids..and try to find that damn celphone everybody is obsessing about!! haha ;p

  15. @Yaelfica, how are you missing the cell phone?! lol!

  16. @JA LOL ..i'm just looking and looking and looking...well..u get the picture right? i wont stop till i find it! ¬_¬

  17. @Yaelfica OH! now i get it..you're looking closely for it. prob. hitting pause a few times too, lol! perv.

  18. Had to check out the video you all mentioned....he does appear to be 'going commando'....my goodness.

  19. Good Lord! Yaelfica..they have definitely corrupted u..I'm putting the blame on,..wait..who started it?..Iluvthemovies..followed by JA,..I bet they didn't have a hard time convincing u to watch all beil's videos ,I tried to check out the videos u all mentioned ..but I'm afraid I'm so mersmerised by Rob's smile..his eyes..I can't get pass his face..however there is one a shot of Rob/Kristen in N/M when she went to hug him in the plaza to stop him ,it zoomed in on the part of Rob's body u all seem obsessed about..now that is ..what can I say ..just ..lucky Kristen!!Ithink is a Beils video as well!/hugs to all FAVS !!
