Saturday, July 17, 2010

Slow News Day: Rob and Queenie in US Weekly and a Baby Girl Crushes on Rob

Rob and Queenie in US Weekly

US Weekly didn't publish this one, but I'll repost cause it's my favorite of that day :)

If you missed them, all the pictures of Rob and Queenie HERE

And this sweet girl crushing on Rob. Smart baby

US Weekly Scan | Video


  1. They may have taught her to do that. I work in a day care and no child that age I know of crushes on anyone. I know some kids do act certain ways because of the parents. It's cute I admitt it but no way that young that she knows what she is doing.

  2. there are several vids of the same girl calling him "babu"..she's really sweet and has great taste haha...she just looks for rob in every's funny

  3. babu
    he's mine

    learned or not i must admit that's the sweetest thing ever
